• kisses •

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Dream 💚

Kisses you like the world's gonna end,
Like he's on his last cannon life at 1 heart, his kisses are passionate and a tad aggressive

Your first kiss was in the rain on your doorstep,

Your were walking away after telling him to have a good night

"WAIT" he almost shouted, you turned around and he grabbed you by your shoulders and kissed you like the world was crumbling around your feet.

George 💙

Kisses you sweet and short. Pecks here and there kisses you all over your face while cuddling

Your first kiss was at the movies, he told you to look at him and you did and then he pecked your lips and went back to watching the movie, blushing like hell.

Sapnap 🧡

His kisses are fiesty and spur of the moment, they happen when you least expected and are hot and heavy

Your first kiss was at a party, he found you sitting down and asked you to dance, midway through the dance, he grabbed you by your waist and kissed you.

BBH ❤️

Kisses are romantic and perfect, often he'll come up from behind you and snake his arms around your waist before spinning you and kissing you.

Your first kiss was in the park during sunrise, you went on a walk in the early hours of the morning and he grabbed your hand before asking you if he could "have this dance" at the end of spinning around, he dipped you before kissing you.

Karl 💟

Kisses are loving and soft, he holds you almost like he thinks he'll break you. They don't happen often but when they do they melt you into each other.

Your first kiss was in his car. He leaned in and kissed you, you scotched closer to him accidentally hitting the horn causing you both to jump back in surprise.

Quackity 💗

His kisses are chaotic and wild. They happen every chance he gets and sometimes they're borderline scary.

Your first kiss was while you were having a dance party at 2 am in the kitchen, you guys were screaming a song using utensils as mics when suddenly he grabbed you before lifting you on top of the counter and getting on his tiptoes, (bc he's short) and kissed you, he missed half your lips but the effort behind the kiss was something you'll always remember, later you found out that he had been texting Karl planning it for weeks.

Wilbur 💛

Wilbur's kisses are perfect and planned in every way, they're the kind of  kisses that make your legs buckle to the floor and make every part of your body tingle.

Your first kiss was after his band had finished playing their new songs for you, you ran up and gave him a hug before he slowly leaned down and picked you up and he kissed you.

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