• how the fans found out •

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He posted a picture of you playing with patches on Twitter. Captioned: "the two cutest things in one picture"
George and Sapnap both retweeted the picture captioning it "simp" and it was soon trending at #1.


You accidentally walked in during his stream wearing his glasses and bringing him food. He was currently streaming with Quackity and dream and they burst out laughing. George awkwardly confessed that you were dating and introduced you and the chat started screaming at dream that he missed his chance.


He posted a picture of you on Instagram in one of his merch shirts and drinking coffee and captioned it "good morning mamas" George soon posted it to his story captioning it "atta boy".


You swore loudly in the back of one of his streams and he yelled at you quickly saying "sorry that was y/n, we're dating" and ignored the chat for the rest of the stream.


He introduced you on a stream called "I paint y/n's nails" and you guys drank monsters and he painted your nails while introducing you to his fans.


He introduced you on a stream titled  "y/n and I play Minecraft" where you played Minecraft with different mods and wore matching beanies.


He introduced you as a feature on a teaser for one of his new songs!
Tommy reposted it captioning it: "I've been replaced by a woman" and eventually the fans figured It out

Tommy and Tubbo (platonic):

You guys all 3 did a stream titled "the trio plays Skywars" most of it was you and Tommy screaming and bullying Tubbo.

Ranboo (platonic):

He had hinted at it a lot and eventually you just became a regular part of his streams whether that be streaming with him or just chatting in the background.

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