• they find you asleep in a random spot •

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Hey guys! This will be my last chapter for now unless I manage to get more requests. Thank you for tuning into this book, and if you enjoyed, I encourage you to check out some of my other works !!

~ <3

Dream 💚

He was streaming and he left to go get water when he came out of his room to find you passed out in the hall. Apparently you didn't want to interrupt his stream and fell asleep in the hallway.

He picked you up and set you down on the couch and put some blankets of you.

George 💙

George came home to find you asleep at the kitchen table, coffee spilled everywhere, computer somehow intact. Turns out you were doing some work and just could finish it without falling asleep.

He cleaned up your coffee and carried you to bed <3

Sapnap 🧡

Sapnap was taking a walk out in your garden when he found you slumped in the law chair next to all your tools. He found out later it was because you were working on a gardening project but also running on a redbull and 3 hours of sleep.

He gently shook you awake and suggested you go take a shower a go to sleep while he put your gardening tools away.

BBH ❤️

He was about to go stream when he found you slumped at his desk in his insta looking at cute little edits the fans had made of you.

He smiled to himself before picking you up and tucking you into bed. Deciding that maybe you guys would just sleep tonight and the fans could wait another day.

Karl 💜

Karl found you slumped over the bathroom sink still in your going out clothes with skincare products all around you when he got home from filming a YouTube video.

He smiled and carried you downstairs to his room and laid you on his bed, before cleaning up the bathroom and changing you into one of his jumpers.

Quackity 💗

He found you sleeping on the kitchen island,
Because you thought it would be a nice comfy place to lay down (it was too comfy)

He obviously laughed his ass off and took several pictures of you asleep before shaking you awake so he could laugh at you more and make fun of you for falling asleep on the mf kitchen counter

Wilbur 💛

Arriving home from band practice, Wilbur found you curled up in his armchair, attempting to wait for him to come home on a late night and obviously falling.

He laughed to himself and took a picture to post to his Instagram before carrying you upstairs and putting you in bed so he could cuddle you properly and give you kisses.

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