• when you're stressed •

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Dream: tries to calm you down
- asks if he can help with anything
- kisses as a distraction
- makes you food


George: cuddles
- talks to you to keep your mind off things
- lets you wear one of his hoodies
- "I think you should sleep on the issue and then you'll feel better y/n"


Sapnap: becomes more gentle
- attempts to help you
- reminds you of things you're forgetting
- reminds you to eat food and drink water


BBH: doesn't stream or edit so he can help you
- cuddles with Rat
- "its okay, I promise it's okay"
- lets you fall asleep on his shoulder


Karl: brings you food
- paints your nails and tells you jokes as a distraction
- hour long cuddles
- "y/n I think you should give yourself some grace here, in your defense your trying really hard"


Quackity: low key terrified of you
- "y/n just relax it will all be okay"
- gives you his beanie to wear
- "drink water you'll feel better"
- tries not to stress you out and keeps his screaming to a minimum


Wilbur: makes you tea
- "do you want to go do a walk? Maybe it will calm you down"
- cuddles
- "here let me help you"
- cancels his stream for you
- "go sleep y/n"


Tommy (platonic):

- I'm gonna give you some space y/n
- runs away
- texts Phil for help


Tubbo (platonic)
- "um uh, it's okay"
- tells you jokes to make you feel better
- texts wilbur asking for help


Ranboo (platonic)
- "is there anything I can do to help you?"
- "get off Minecraft it won't help"
- calls you to help you plan your schedule
- "if you freak out it only makes it worse"

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