• being bff's would include •

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- screaming

- so much screaming

- playing Minecraft together and cursing all the time

- him making fun of you being short and calling you a child


- "Minecraft but Everytime either one of us scream, we die"

- helping him with school

- "tommy get off the server you have school tomorrow"

- him being protective of you

- " y/n if you ever get a boyfriend, I'm meeting him"


- helping him do streams

- when you Tubbo and tommy all hang out, you and Tubbo try to get tommy to calm down and stop screaming

- chasing the bees around in Minecraft and naming them

- playing Minecraft with his sister all the time

- teaching him how to play your favorite games

- picnics in the park with you Tubbo and tommy

- being the ultimate bestie duo

- him being protective


- playing Minecraft with him all the time

- him helping you meet the dream smp

- sitting and watching him do streams

- stealing all his cool costume shit and playing with it

- helping him figure out Minecraft mod videos

- causing mass chaos while hes streaming

- "y/n shut up I'm streaming"

- teaching him how to play more games

- him teaching you Minecraft tricks

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