• cuddles and hugs •

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Dream 💚

Not super cuddly but occasionally with put his head on your shoulder or put his arm around you while watching a movie

George 💙

Cuddly asf, literally demands cuddles all the time when he's not streaming and is super sad when you don't give them to him

Sapnap 🧡

The type of guy that would pull you onto his lap and wrap his arms around you and laying his head on your shoulder

BBH ❤️

Not a super huge fan of cuddles lol

The man likes his space

Karl 💟

The exact opposite, wants cuddles all the time, demands affection and just wants to be held by you all them time. Will whine and complain if he hasn't gotten cuddles yet.

Quackity 💗

Either can't cuddle with you because he can't sit still and is jumping up and down, or he's fallen asleep on top of you, no in between

Wilbur 💛

Cuddly mf, wants to stay in bed for an extra 5 minutes every single day just to give you cuddles and ends up falling asleep on you again.

Tommy 🖍️

Claims he doesn't like hugs until you get to know him, then he's clinging onto you like a baby. Needs your attention 24/7

Tubbo 🐝

Loves hugs and demands them all the time from you, idk but I feel like he would be really good at hugs. The kind of hugs that you pull away from with a huge smile and immediately in a good mood :)

Ranboo 🖤🤍

Physically can barely hug you bc he's so fucking tall. Occasionally enjoys hugs but enjoys having personal space

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