• sleeping •

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Dream 💚

- Sleeps flat like a fucking soldier
- Manz doesn't like to cuddle at night he needs his rest
- literally doesn't move or make any noise while asleep
- waking him is a pain in the ass and sometimes you think he's dead

George 💙

- sleeps in the fetus position
- little spoon
- rolls around in his sleep a lot
- light sleeper

Sapnap 🧡

- starts out sleeping on his side but always ends up fucking horizontally on top of you or halfway off the bed in the morning
- blanket stealer (this is incredibly cannon I don't care what anyone says)
- talks in his sleep sometimes
- his voice is really raspy after just waking up

BBH ❤️

- Sleeps on his back
- hates when you accidentally wake him up
- wears a sleeping mask :)
- sometimes he will accidentally sleep walk

Karl 💟

- sleeps in the yearner position
- cuddles all the time but is scared he'll hurt you in his sleep
- heavy sleeper when he's actually tired
- always manages to wake up early to get you food

Quackity 💗

There's just a lot to unpack here

- sleeps in the freefaller
- thrashes wildly in his sleep
- extremely loud and is constantly getting out of bed to go to the bathroom or get food in the middle of the night
- will accidentally punch you in his sleep
- kicks the blankets and or you off the bed all the time
- impossible to wake up

Wilbur 💛

- sleeps on his stomach
- murmurs incoherent shit in his sleep
- during the middle of the night sometimes he'll fling his arm over you or nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck
- you always wake up holding each other :)

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