At Peace

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"What's wrong? Did he die?!" He asks. She shakes her head as she removes her hands, the wound semi closed and not bleeding anymore. "He passed out from the pain" she says sitting back on her heels. Kakazu looks down at his partner, so peaceful he thinks. He brushes a strand of his silver hair off his cheek as he thinks about what this idiot has done for him.

Be sure to wake up, Hidan.

Kiari smiles as she witnesses the small, kind gesture. Kakazu eyes her smile and whips his hand away, standing up abruptly. "We have to go. We're almost there" he says. "My fellow worshippers can tend to him more once were in the temple, lets hurry" she says. Kakazu nods as he bends down and picks up Hidan. One hand under his knees and the other under his shoulders, his head resting against his chest and taking off.

What happened.... did I die? ...... can I die? ..... Hidan feels a swaying as he comes to. He bats his eyes open as trees and landscape blow past his vision. He feels himself being carried, his body feels so heavy and numb, he cant even move his fingertips. He looks up to see Kakazu determined as ever, his eyes fixated in front of him as he jumps through the forest as fast as his feet can carry him. Kakazu is carrying me? Why like this? Hidan feels his vision start to fade out as his head falls against Kakazus chest, driving his scent into his nose, comforting him as he falls back asleep.

They reach the temple finally as Kakazu and Kiari are lead to the medical wing. Kakazu waits outside his room as they work inside trying to mend the damage done by the large sword. Kakazu buries his face in his hands as he struggles with himself.

Why do I even care? They can come get me when they're done but I physically cant move from this spot. Why did he step in front of that sword? I still had 3 hearts left. The damn fool. What's even more annoying than that is the fact that I even give a shit?! Kakazu runs his fingers up into his headcover and pulls his hair in frustration. Why do I care?! He screams to himself internally.

"Because you love him." Kakazu snaps his head up and looks to his right, seeing Kiari has silently joined him on the bench. "Respectfully priestess.... shut up" he breathes, reluctant to give a shit anymore. She giggles and taps his shoulder.

"I saw you on the field Kakazu. You may internally feel confused but your actions speak loudly for you." She scoots off the bench and walks ahead. She gets a couple feet but stops and turns around, "Perhaps your body is tired of the lies you're trying to feed it Kakazu. As many hearts as you have... you cant lie to them all." She smiles sweetly as she turns and walks away leaving him stunned and speechless.

"Sir." Kakazu looks over and sees one of the medical priests standing in the doorway. "You can see him now, he's stable." Kakazu nods and enters the small, religiously adorned room. He eyes Hidan laying motionless on the bed, wrapped in white dressings from his waist, up his chest, around his neck and over his arms.

Kakazus cringes, wondering how much pain he must be in. "Not much. We gave him plenty of pain meds before surgery" one of the priests say. Kakazu rolls his eyes, so can everyone here read minds? "It's more of an energy reading, really" the priest replies. Kakazu gives him a death glare as the man gasps and leaves the room.

Kakazu pulls up a chair and sits beside his resting partner. "What a mess" he breathes. Images replay in his mind. Turning around and seeing Hidan impaled on that sword makes Kakazu want to throw up. Kakazu yawns as his eyes start to feel heavier and heavier, watching Hidan rest so peacefully.

Holy fuck....this hurts. What the fuck is this pain.... Hidan groans as pain rips through his chest. He stirs slightly, still weak and pretty much immobile. He feels a presence in the room with him but he cant read it, his chakra is too low. Jashin? He peels his eyes open and looks down. His eyes soften seeing Kakazu leaned forward, his head resting on his arms on the bed beside Hidans hip, sleeping deeply.

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