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"This is my room," Hidan says opening the door to his messy abode. Ren looks around at the mountains of dirty clothes, blood stains and old food. "What?" Hidan says noticing the look on his face. "It's dirty in here," Ren says wrinkling his nose. Hidan scoffs, "It was dirty in the temple and you lived there for 12 damn years. What's the difference?"

"Don't you make money doing missions? I thought it would be cooler than this" Ren says disappointed. Hidan plops his bedding next to his, after clearing a spot with his foot. "I'll clean tomorrow, you brat. Now sleep" Hidan says plopping himself on his bed. "But I'm hungry" Ren says pouting.

Hidan sighs loudly, "I forgot children eat," he says standing up. "Come on." He leads Ren to the kitchen and sits him on the counter while he grabs things from the fridge.

"What's up small fry?" Kisame says walking into the kitchen. Ren looks at him with large eyes, eyeing his blue skin and sharp teeth. "Uh....hi" Ren squeaks. Kisame chuckles as Hidan smirks from the fridge. "Why are you blue?" Ren asks quietly. "Ren. That's rude, you can't just ask people why their skin is a certain color" Sasori says coldly, walking into the kitchen. "Sorry," he says looking down.

"Oh shut up Sasori. You can't have a guy with shark teeth, gills and blue skin and not ask why" Hidan says turning to him. Kisame laughs and steps in front of Ren, twice his height even with him on the counter. "I don't mind. I'm from a clan of half humans/half sharks. Theyre just jealous cause as much as they workout, they can't ever be as strong as me" Kisame says flexing his muscles in his black tshirt.

Rens eyes widen as he beams up at Kisame. "Wow. Can I workout with you Kisame? I want to be strong too!" Ren says punching the air. Kisame chuckles and ruffles his hair, "Ask your brother. I primarily use water jutsus so you need to know how to swim." Ren turns to Hidan, "Can I Hidan?"

Hidan smirks, "As long as it doesn't interfere training with Kakazu. If you wanna spend your time with this fuck, be my guest." Ren smiles as Kisame holds his hand up for a high-five, he slaps his hand hard as Kisame pretends it hurt him. "Damn. Strong already. Better watch out for you" Kisame winks as he leaves the kitchen. Ren smiles as he looks down at his hand. Hidan notices and smiles too, his heart is happy they've accepted him so quickly.

Hidan and Ren sit at the table as they eat their food. "Ooooo! The clone!" Tobi says running over to the table. Hidan rolls his eyes as Tobi sits down next to Ren. "I already told you he's not a clone you idiot" Hidan says.

"Hidan. Don't be mean" Ren says softly. "Yeah Hidan! Don't be mean to Tobi!" Tobi yells, making Ren laugh. Hidan rolls his eyes as he eats quietly. "Hey Ren, do you like to play with toys?!" Tobi asks. "What are toys?" Ren asks. Hidan looks at him sadly as Tobi explains.

"Toys sound awesome! I wanna see your toys Tobi." Tobi laughs with glee as he reaches into his cloak. "Nothing dangerous Tobi" Hidan warns. Tobi shakes his head as he dramatically pulls out a wind up bird. Tobi winds it up as it takes off from the table, rendering Ren speechless. Ren catches it as it falls back to the table. "Wow! That's so awesome!" Ren yells admiring the handiwork.

He hands it back to Tobi but he shakes his head. "Keep it, Sasori can make me another" he says. Ren looks at the bird and then at Tobi, "Thank you Tobi." Tobi giggles and runs away, making Ren laugh too. "Well look at you. 5 minutes here and they're treating you better than they ever did to me," Hidan mumbles. "Well maybe it cause you're an ass Hidan" Sasori says walking past the table.

"Come say that to my face Puppet bitch" Hidan yells. Sasori turns around and walks back to the table. "You're an ass" he says blankly, staring into Hidans eyes with his emotionless brown ones. Hidan stands up and punches Sasori across the face, who has no reaction.  Hidan shakes his fist as Sasoris face is as hard as concrete. Sasori smirks as Ren watches from his chair.

"Thought so" Sasori smirks, turning to leave. "Sasori?" Ren says quietly. Sasori looks the mini Hidan blankly. "What?" He says rudely. Ren shakes his head, "Nevermind." Sasori eyes the wooden bird on the table as he softens his attitude. "What is it Ren?" He asks again, in a softer tone. Ren looks at him deeply, "Can you teach me how to make this?" Ren says holding up the bird.

Sasori looks slightly shocked. "You want to learn how to make one of my creations?" He says quietly. Ren nods, "This bird is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I'd love to make another one to replace Tobi's" he says. Sasori is unsure what feeling his tearing through him but fails to ignore it. "I make plenty cooler things than that bird Ren," he smirks. "Really?! Can I see?!" He beams. "Perhaps. Once your brother decides to stop annoying me, I'll consider it." Ren nods quickly, "He won't! Right Hidan?" He says turning to him.

Hidan scoffs and crosses his arms. "Whatever " Ren looks at Sasori, hope in his eyes. "Find me sometime tomorrow. I'll show you just how cool I can be" Sasori says walking away. "No poisons!" Hidan calls out. Ren smiles as he winds up the bird and watches it take flight. "Hey, finish your food" Hidan says to Ren. He nods and puts the bird down as he munches on the rest of his rice before they head back to their room.

"Finally.... fuck" Hidan says as Ren falls asleep on his bed. He covers him with the blanket before slipping out his window.

Kakazu exhales the smoke from his cigarette as he looks into the night sky. Devising a plan to find and take back his money from the Sound ninjas who robbed him. He squints as he sees movement from the forest line. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes as Hidan steps out with his scythe, covered in blood and gripping his chest. Kakazu coughs loudly as Hidan looks up to the roof and sees him stargazing.

"Hey, smoking isn't good for your heart" Hidan says sitting beside him. "It's already black, who cares?" Kakazu replies taking another drag from under his mask. Hidan looks over to him, his gaze wondering from his eyes to the stitches on his arms. "You know, it's just us out here, you can take off your mask," Hidan offers.

Kakazu chuckles and shakes his head. "You're so transparent Hidan." Hidan furrows his brow, "What do you mean?" "If you want to see my face, you can just ask" Kakazu says taking another drag from his mask.  "Okay. Fine. Take off your mask" Hidan snaps. "No," Kakazu grunts. Hidan groans in frustration, "I swear it's like I have two children." Kakazu looks over, "Something wrong with Ren?"

Hidan shakes his head. "It's nothing." Kakazu flicks his cigarette over the side of the roof as he turns to Hidan. "You know I hate that word, Hidan." Hidan rolls his eyes as he spills. "It's just Ren wants to hang out with everyone and see what they can do and I don't know, I just feel like I have nothing to teach him."

Kakazu nods. "Just because you don't use ninjutsu doesn't mean there are no teaching opportunities. You're his brother, there are a myriad of issues he will lean on you for. One being that ridiculous curse form" Kakazu says shaking his head.

"Hey. Don't put down my abilities. How many people can say they get literal pleasure from fighting others?" Hidan smirks. Kakazu feels his cheeks flush, remembering how much Hidan likes pain. "You're such a masochist," he whispers deeply, trying to control his thoughts.

Hidan leans in closer to him, his lips almost touching Kakazus mask, "And you like to hurt me... aren't we just perfect?" He kisses Kakazu quickly over his mask as he turns back to observing the night sky. Kakazu looks at Hidan stare into the night sky, wondering how he manages to be so annoyingly handsome. "Are you okay? Since the temple?" Kakazu asks softly. Hidan jerks his neck to look at Kakazu, wondering why now he's choosing to ask about it, he narrows his eyes and shakes his head. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me" Hidan whispers. Kakazu looks up at the sky, half wishing that were true.

"Just tell me, if you're ever not fine. You still have nightmares sometimes" he says sternly, annoyed with how often Hidan brushes off the topic. Hidan stares down at his hands, "I do?" Kakazu nods, "When I was on watch most of the night you were shaking and calling out. It's rare when you're quiet..." he  replies. "So its not every night, that's good. When am I quiet?" He says looking at Kakazu. He sighs and stands up, "When you're next to me."

Hidan blushes and looks down as Kakazu heads back inside the hideout. It is true, his heart and mind feel calmer when he's beside him, his angry and dark chakra somehow calming to him. "Fucking old man... I love you" he whispers.

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