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"We will have your brother Hidan.... Count on it." Hidan jerks awake, the voice of the Elders still ringing in his ears. He pants as he looks around his room, "Ren?" He calls out looking over to the bedding area he made for his brother. He doesn't see him and starts to panic. He jumps out of bed and runs into the living room. "Where's Ren?!" He calls out to Deidara who's molding clay on the couch.

"Relax. He's outside with Kakazu and Kisame uh!" Deidara replies rolling his eyes. Hidan lets out a sigh of relief as he heads to the sliding door and heading down the staircase to the back of the hideout.

"You have to time your substitutions better Ren, you'll waste your chakra if you substitute to avoid every hit," Kisame says holding out his hand to Ren, pulling him up from the floor.

Substitution? Can he use ninjutsu?

"It's better to deflect or even take some damage and utilize your substitution at a later time, especially if your opponent is going to use a jutsu against you" Kakazu says watching him spar with Kisame.

Ren nods as he readies himself. Kisame charges at him, swinging his large sword each and every way towards Ren. He manages to jump and avert each of his attacks as KIsame releases Samehada to attack and makes a quick flurry of handsigns. "Water style- Shark Sword!" Ren jumps back as a water conjured shark leaps for him.

Hidan gasps as the shark has Ren between its teeth, making Kakazu and Kisame tense up. Poof! The shark drops the wood as it searches for Ren.

"Over here!" Ren says summoning behind Kisame and punching him in the face. Kisame stumbles back and smiles. "Atta boy!"

Hidan relaxes and smiles, watching his brother proudly.
"How was that Kakazu?" Ren asks, looking to the masked ninja hopefully.

"It was decent. Remember the cycle of chakra natures. An earth style jutsu could just have easily defended against his water jutsu and left you open for another attack against him."

"But I dont know any Earth style jutsus" Ren says sadly, lowering his head.
Kakazu puts his hand on his shoulder, "Well lucky for you, my true chakra nature is Earth despite what my other hearts are. This is why you train."

Ren looks up and gives Kakazu a hopeful smile, "I'll learn them all, Kakazu."
Kakazu nods in response and turns to Kisame as Ren hustles over to Hidan. "Did you see me Hidan?" He gleams.

Hidan smiles and nods, "Training hard I see." Ren nods quickly, "I promised I wouldn't be a burden. Ive been training with Kakazu and Kisame all morning. When were done here I'm gonna go check out Sasori's workshop."

Hidan ruffles his hair and nods, "Just be careful, Sasori uses a lot of poison with his work. Don't touch anything unless he tells you." Ren nods and turns back to Kakazu. He sees him distracted talking to Kisame and devilishly smiles.

He makes quick handsigns and charges at Kakazu. Without even turning away from Kisame, Kakazu punches Ren as he charges at him. Poof!

Ren runs from the other direction aiming a punch right at Kakazu. A clone huh? Kakazu grabs Ren by the throat before he can punch him and throws him to the ground.

"Damn it!" Ren yells from the ground. Kisame chuckles as Kakazu turns to him, "Close but no cigar. Learning to conceal your chakra will be for another day," he says walking towards the steps.

Ren stands up and dusts himself off as he joins, Kisame and Hidan following Kakazu up to the hideout.

"Kisame head out with Itachi for the four tails, Hidan lets go get our next mission from Pein," Kakazu says sternly as they head their separate ways. Kakazu turns around as Ren heads down the opposite hallway. "Where are you headed off to?" He asks. "Sasori's workshop, he's going to show me some of his creations" Ren says smiling. Kakazu looks at him puzzled, "Okay. But no-" "No poisons," Ren smiles, "I got it." Kakazu nods as Ren heads off towards Sasori's workshop.

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