Be Sure to Wake Up

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Kakazu storms out of his tent, wondering why the sun is out and he hasn't been woken up. He looks to Hidan staring off into space and shoves him. "Why didn't you swap out for watch?" He says angrily. Hidan turns to him. Kakazus eyes grow slightly concerned. The Jashinist eyes are red and puffy while a flat, emotionless face stares back at him.

"I wasn't tired. I let you sleep" Hidan says turning back to the camp and begins packing up. Kakazu glares at him, fully expecting a fight. "You didn't sleep? We have a day of travel, I don't want to hear you complain," he says grabbing his arm. Hidan stares into the ground, not fighting him off, "Ill be alright," he says flatly.

What is going on with him Kakazu thinks, letting his arm go. He's never seen Hidan so.... dull. He's been in his presence for over a minute and has yet to hear a curse word, something is definitely wrong.

Kakazu looks over as Kiari comes out of her tent, he bows slightly. "Good morning" she says bowing back. "We have one more day of travel. I want to try to make it there, perhaps we can break for a couple hours but I don't plan on sleeping anywhere. Is that okay?" He asks.

She nods "Perfectly acceptable Kakazu." She looks to Hidan as he stomps out the fire, "Good morning Hidan" she says quietly. "Good morning" he replies, not looking at her. "I trust you got some well deserved sleep last night?" She asks him, smiling sweetly. He grabs his scythe, attaching it to his back and walks past her. "Plenty" he says walking ahead. Kakazu narrows his eyes at their odd exchange. What happened there he wonders.

They spend the next 18 hours trekking through the Land of Fire in silence, the occasional small conversation between Kakazu and Kiari but nothing from Hidan.

Kakazu looks back slightly, out of the corner of his eye to see Hidan staring off into the distance. He can tell he's seeing but he's not there. The expressionless face and blank eyes have gotten Kakazu worried, he has never seen Hidan this lifeless before.

He looks back to the Miko beside him and wonders if she has anything to do with this. As they reach the border between the Fire and the Sound, Kakazu decides its time for them to take a break. He sets up the Mikos tent beside the stream as he sits farther away with Hidan to give her some privacy.

Hidan sits on a rock, his legs to his chest, his chin on his knees, staring at the water. Kakazu takes a sip of water and walks over to Hidan offering him the bamboo canteen. Hidan shakes his head without looking up or taking his eyes off the glistening water. Kakazu sighs and sits beside him, "Hidan, what is wrong?" Hidan remains silent, his eyes locked on the stream. He doesn't even notice the water, he doesn't see anything anymore, his world is grey now. There is no more color, no more joy.

"Hidan" Kakazu says shoving him lightly. I have no purpose, my entire existence is a complete lie, I am simply a tool, to be used and thrown away, that is all I am. Literal trash....

"Hidan!" Kakazu hardens his fist and punches him across the face, knocking him off the rock, hoping to finally hear a curse word or foul name from his mouth. Hidan lays on the ground, staring into the sky. Did something hit me, how did I end up on the ground...

Kakazu kneels beside him, anger seething as Hidan doesn't move or say anything. He just lays there motionless, looking into the sky as if he belonged there all along. He grabs him by the collar, bringing him to his face, Hidans upper body suspended in the air by Kakazu holding his cloak, not even trying to fight back, his arms hanging by his side, limp.

"What happened to you?! Tell me!" He yells. Hidan finally breaks his gaze on the sky and looks at Kakazu, making the multi-hearted man loosen his grip a little bit. "What is sacrifice?" He says quietly. Kakazu furrows his brow in confusion. "What?" He breathes. "What is sacrifice to you?" He asks again.

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