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"Over there.... look" Kisame says motioning to the edge of the forest line. Itachi and Ren follow his finger to a trail of smoke leading up to the clouds. An explosion makes them crouch down into the dense leaves of the trees, hiding them. "Kisame, let's go. Ren, stay here, I will signal you when to join," Itachi says quietly. Ren nods as Kisame and Itachi take off for the smoke.

Ren waits patiently, keeping his eyes peeled for Itachis crow, the signal for him to come. Another explosion rings through the forest as he jumps down to a lower branch, still hidden. "Ren." Ren whips his head around to the sound of his name. He looks through the dense leaves as his breathing starts to quicken. "Over here." He jumps as he feels lips right at his ear. He turns around and slips, losing his footing and falling of the branch. He thuds to the forest floor but quickly stands up. His eyes narrow as he sees a dark shadow emerge from the darkness. "Hello again....Ren." Ren steps backwards slightly as a hooded figure steps into the sunlight. They lower their hood, revealing themselves to the young Jashinist. "You?" Ren breathes. He eyes the Elder fearfully, a large scar trails down his chest. Pale skin, chiseled facial features, green eyes, classic Jashin Elder. "How?" Ren mumbles.

The Elder laughs as he steps closer to Ren, "I used substitution before you're foolish brother could pierce my heart." Ren looks down confused, "But my fath- Kakazu has your heart?" The Elders brow furrows in anger, "He stole my reserve! But do not worry, I intend to retrieve it," he says with a smirk.

Ren pulls out his kunai and steps back, preparing to fight when a crow caws overhead, flying over the two Jashinists. Not now Itachi.... Ren thinks. The Elder lunges for Ren, drawing his sword and lunging at him. Ren deflects as he draws up his leg and kicks the Elder hard in the ribs. He coughs and smirks, "You've trained well. I guess this won't be so easy."


"Fuck. Finally" Hidan breathes as they see the Ice temple finally come into view. The Fedual Lord and Kakazu sigh as well, a long cold journey on the precipice of its end. They walk through the temple doors, being hit with warmth and the smell of food.

"Please, come rest. We have plenty of food and rooms before you return," the fedual lord says as he turns to the great dining room. "We need to get going," Kakazu says sternly. Hidan groans, "Seriously Kakazu? Can't we spend one night here? My toes are about to fall off and I'm starving," he whines. "We have private onsens to warm up and you can stay as long as you need," the Lord interrupts. Kakazu furrows his brow, he wants to get home and make sure Ren is okay. "Ren is still on his mission. It's a 3 day trip to the Sound to begin with. He won't be back for a couple days anyways," Hidan offers. Kakazu nods, "Fine" he replies sternly.

"Excellent. We will have your rooms prepared," the Lord says smiling. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Kakazu asks roughly. The Feudal Lord jumps and digs into his robe, "Ah yes! Apologies" he replies quickly as he hands Kakazu a bag of money. Kakazu nods as he turns and follows the servants to their rooms.

"Here is your room sir," the servant says to Kakazu before turning to Hidan, "Yours will be on the other side of the manor," he says motioning Hidan to follow. Hidan looks at Kakazu sadly, his magenta eyes heavy and tired. "That is unnecessary. He will stay here" Kakazu replies. The servant looks between the two men and is about to respond. "Is there a problem?" Kakazu asks sternly as he stares down at the short servant. The servant trembles under his height and scary gaze "N-no. B-by all means!" He says before running off.

Hidan laughs as he enters the room, "You're so mean Kakazu," he says as he takes off his cloak. He sits down on tbe chaise lounge in front of the bed as he removes his sandals. Kakazu removes his cloak as he watches Hidan smile as he takes off his shoes and weapons. He eyes him in his black sweatshirt, not used to seeing Hidan dressed, he looks so cute. Hidan looks up to see Kakazu staring at him. "What?" He asks. "Nothing. Strange seeing you wear clothes," he replies. Hidan chuckles and rubs his chest, "Well when it's freezing I don't mind. It feels quite nice actually." A rumble in his stomach interrupts them both. "Let's eat," Kakazu says walking to the door. Both dressed in black sweatshirts and black pants, they head down to the dining room to eat and after, that private onsen.


"Kisame...." Itachi says quietly. Kisame looks over at him, remaining quiet as they observe the Sounds movements. "Ren hasn't arrived yet." Kisame furrows his brow in worry as he realizes it's been at least 10 minutes since he sent his crow. He motions his head back towards the area they left Ren, Itachi nods as they disappear.

"Ahh!" Ren screams as the swords slices his side. Not deep but a long cut trails down his ribs. He pushes the Elder off and makes some handsigns. "Water style: Water wall!" He yells. A giant wave crashes into the Elder as he recooperates against a tree. The Elder struggles to get to his feet as he smirks at Ren. "Ninjutsu eh? You get more and more impressive Ren" he chides. Ren feels his weak, from his wound and low chakra having fought the formidable Elder.

Itachi and Kisame grow concerned and quicken their pace as they see a giant wave disappear into the forest. Itachi and Kisame drop down next to Ren as he falls to his knees. "I got you," Kisame says throwing his arm over his shoulder. He moves him farther away as turns back to see the Elder battling Itachi. "Kisame, be careful. He's immortal like me" Ren breathes. Kisame nods as he runs to join Itachi. "Are you okay Ren?" He looks over to see Zetsu half out of the ground beside him. He slows his breathing as he nods. "Good. This is your first mission. Don't disappoint."

Ren looks over as Kisame growls, pulling the sword out of his shoulder. "Kisame!" Ren yells as he runs over to them. Itachi dodges each attack with the help of his Sharingan. He looks directly into the Elders green eyes as he stops moving. The Elder laughs and lunges towards Itachi "Genjutsu doesn't work on me Uchiha!" He slices down with his sword to be met with deflection from a kunai. Ren looks up at him, his blue eyes filled with anger. "Stay away from my friends!" He yells. The Elder swings down with his other hand, punching Ren in the face hard, throwing his body far off. Before he can register Itachi is kicked hard into a tree as the Elder races after Ren, struggling to stand up. Zetsu morphs back into the ground, having seen enough.


"Ahh. This is exactly what I needed..." Hidan sighs as he sinks lower into the hot water of the onsen. Kakazu joins him shortly after, his mask on but his hair down around his shoulders. He sighs deeply as the water penetrates his frozen muscles. They soak in silence when Hidan peeks with one eye, that no one is around. He scoots closer to Kakazu, his tan skin slightly sweaty from the hot water and glistening. Hidan feels himself drool as he stares. "What is it Hidan?" Kakazu says through closed eyes. Hidan smirks, "How do you do that? Your eyes are closed" he says nudging him. "I can feel your eyes burning into me. Now what do you want?" Kakazu repeats. Hidan chuckles and ghosts his fingertips up Kakazus thigh. "Is it such a secret?" He whispers.

"Stop your nonsense. This is a temple. Do you want us to get killed?" He says calmly. "No but I can't wait any-" "Kakazu." His eyes open and Hidan turns to the voice, both of their eyes meeting Zetsus gold ones as he morphs out of the ground halfway. "Zetsu, what is it?" Kakazu says sitting up. "Were just taking a day to recover, tell Pein to chill" Hidan interjects. "Hidan" Kakazu says sternly, turning back to Zetsu. "It's Ren, he's in trouble." Kakazu feels his heart stop as he immediately stands up and covers himself, Hidan following suit. They change quickly and gather their things in complete silence. Kakazu sees the worried look on Hidans face as he dresses quickly. "Do not worry until we have to Hidan. Do your best to calm yourself" Kakazu says laying his hand on his shoulder. Hidan feels tears brim in his eyes as he nods. They fly down the stairs meeting Zetsu at the front gates.

"What's happened?" Kakazu says as they sprint through the snow. "He was attacked in the Sound. I didn't hang around long but he mentioned something to Kisame about the enemy being immortal," Zetsu replies. Kakazu shoots Hidan a glance as they quicken their pace, immortal? "What did the enemy look like?" Kakazu asks as Zetsu and Hidan run beside him. "Hard to say. He didn't have a village headband or anything..." Zetsu says, his voice trailing off as he tries to remember a discerning detail about the stranger. "Oh! He has a pretty nasty scar on his chest and a necklace, like yours Hidan" Zetsu adds.. "Like mine?" Hidan asks confused. Hidan gasps as he turns to Kakazu. "It can't be..." he says worried. "It appears so. We have to hurry" Kakazu replies, forcing himself to push faster. Hold on Ren....

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