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"Thank goodness you were in the Sound, only a couple hours journey" Lodai says as they sprint through the trees. "Yeah, joy" Hidan says, unhappy that he's headed back to his dreaded village. He hasn't been back since he left when he was 18, 7 years ago and it wasn't under good terms. "When is the next round of initiations?" Hidan asks. "Tonight," Lodai says. Hidan growls under his breath as he picks up the pace.

Soon he can see the all too familiar steam of his village, known for there large and natural hot springs. They slow down and jump down as they approach the main gates. "Who goes there?!" A guard yells. "It's me Lodai!" Lodai yells. They draw up the gate and let them pass. "This way" Lodai says leading Hidan towards the left of the village.

They enter a normal looking house making Hidan confused. "We had to hide all the entrances into the temple," he explains. He moves a large carpet and reveals a trap door underneath. Lodai goes down first as he lights a torch and helps Hidan in, closing the door behind him. They make their way down the dark hallways, leading deeper and deeper into the hidden temple.

Kakazu makes it to the field in front of the Sound Temple as he quickly bites his thumb and performs some handsigns. "Summoning jutsu!" A large, grey wolf appears, a Hidden Waterfall headband covering his left eye. "What do you need Kakazu-sama?" The wolf asks in a deep voice. Kakazu holds out Hidans cloak, "Nero, I need you to lead me to this person, quickly." He nods and sniffs the cloak deeply. "This way!" He yells taking off, Kakazu following closely behind.

Hidan looks around at the community of Jashinists, living like rats underground. He scoffs, he's glad he left this cesspool and is heartbroken to be back. Lodai leads him down to the center room as he sees a group of young boys gathered in the pews chatting. "I cant wait! Once I'm immortal I will show everyone the way of Jashin!" One of them says punching in the air. Hidan shakes his head as they walk up to the group of boys. "Do you know what obtaining your immortality means? Are you truly ready to take on that burden?" Hidan asks, stepping in front of the group. "Hidan?" He looks over to the person who said his name and almost drops his scythe.

"We're not far. It seems to lead into Yugakure" Nero says as they pounce through the trees. So he has returned to his temple Kakazu thinks. "They don't take kindly to strangers Kakazu-sama, do you have a plan?" Kakazu shakes his head, "Kill anyone who gets in my way." Nero nods "Copy that. I will help you as long as you need."

Hidan searches the magenta eyes staring back at him. "Wh-who are you?" Hidan chokes out. The boy steps forward, a splitting image of Hidan only younger. Magenta eyes, silver hair, pale skin. "My name is Ren.....You're my older brother," he says. Hidan steps back, shaking his head. "No.... No. My breeding mother stopped after me," he says. Ren shakes his head, "She fell pregnant with me after you decided to join the missionary side of Jashinism. They wanted another like us to stay in the temple, so they had me."

Hidan cant stop looking at this miniature version of himself. "How old are you?" "12." He looks around the room at the boys standing around. "Are you all 12?" They nod in reply, he turns back to Ren, suddenly feeling protective. "You're not initiating tonight are you?" Ren nods, "Of course, that's why were here." Hidan feels his anger surging as he turns to Lodai. "Did you know about this?" Lodai nods, "that's why I had to find you Hidan... Only blood can step in for blood" he says putting his hand on a boys shoulder who looks similar to Lodai. Hidan stares in shock, "You too?" Lodai nods sadly. "Why are you here?" Ren asks. Hidan turns back to him, his mind racing. "We're getting out of here, come on" he says taking his wrist.

Kakazu sighs as he sees steam up ahead, him and Nero drop from the trees as they make it to the gates. "Who goes th-ahh!" Threads crash into the two guards violently as Kakazu throws one of them to Nero who quickly and efficiently rips out his throat. They breeze through the gate as Nero sniffs the ground. "This way!" He leads Kakazu to a house, swinging the door open violently.

"Ahh!" A woman screams. "The scent ends here Kakazu," Nero says. Kakazu glares at the family sitting down for dinner. "Where is the temple?" Kakazu seethes. "Wh-what are you talking about?" The man asks, standing up, his Jashin pendant clearly hanging from his neck. Kakazu sees the children in the room and tries to refrain. "I have murdered a lot of people in the last couple of days," he says as his threads start to come out of his robes, "I do not want to murder your children in front of you. My issue is with one person." The man quivers as the threads near his daughters, "It's under the table!" The father replies quickly. Kakazu nods as he shoves the table aside and pulls open the door, letting Nero in first and following after.

"Hidan wait! I cant leave!" Ren says struggling against his grasp. "Hidan we cant leave. What about the others?" Lodai asks. He turns around and looks to his brother. "We cant save them all Lodai but we can save our brothers. Lets leave before its too late," Hidan says pleading to his friend. "Why are we leaving? What is happening?" Ren says pulling his wrist away from Hidan.

Hidan groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose, how can he explain this to a 12 year old? "Initiation isn't what you think Ren, I cant let you go through with it." Ren glares at him, "That's not your choice. You have your immortality! Easy for you to say!" Hidan looks at his brother sadly, "Please listen to me Ren, I cant explain it right now but please believe me. We will find another way to make you immortal, just come with me." He says reaching for his hand. "No! I don't want to!" He yells running away from him, hiding behind one of his friends.

"You heard him Hidan, the boy wants his immortality," they hear a voice say.

"God, its so packed down here. The scents are overpowering" Nero says wiping his nose with his paw. "Here" Kakazu says holding out the cloak again. Nero sniffs it and tries to locate it. "It's faint but I can still detect it. Come on." Nero leads him through winding crowded hallways filled with chanting, moaning and screaming. "Is this hell?" Kakazu asks himself. "It looks and smells like it" Nero replies. No wonder he left, Kakazu thinks, he must've felt pretty shitty to think he belongs here.... That is all my fault.

Hidan and Lodai look up to see the Elders enter the room. Hidan grits his teeth and grips his scythe tighter. "12 is a little young don't you think?" He asks. The main elder laughs as they take their seats in the pews. "Age is of no concern to us. We stopped aging long ago."

Lodai steps forward, "These are mere boys, they cannot handle the trauma of initiation. They aren't prepared for that at this age." Hidan steps forward as well, "At any age. That isnt the way to bring people into our way of life!" An Elder laughs "Trauma? You feel traumatized Hidan?"

Hidan looks down and sees he is standing right where he was 7 years ago. He looks up, anger in his eyes. "I feel betrayed. You sell Jashinism as though we are missionaries. Sacrificing for the sake of Jashin-sama while all we really do is terrorize people and hurt ourselves in the process while you sit there and rape your people!"

The Elders look to each other, "My Hidan, you have quite the anger there. It really doesn't concern you any longer though. You are already immortal, we have no further use for you. Your brother however is a different story" he says evily.

Hidan steps in front of Ren "I wont let you touch him. You'll have to figure out a way to kill me first." An Elder appears in front of Hidan in an instant punching him hard in the stomach making him buckle over and fall to his knees. "That can be arranged," he replies swinging his fist down.

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