Apologies are Due

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"Sorry for your loss Hidan," Deidara says softly as he walks past him, Hidan nods in response as Kisame finishes covering the grave with dirt. He stands back, a headstone at the head of the grave, an incense lit and a single lily laying on its concrete base. Kisame and Itachi wait a little ways behind Hidan and Ren as Konan and Pein walk up to them. "I cant belive he's gone...." Konan whispers solemnly. Kisame and Itachi nod sadly. "Ren and Hidan will make up the other team now. If you are able, please train Ren in your free time Kisame," Pein says quietly. Kisame nods as the two leaders walk away silently. "Let's go... they need some space" Itachi says to Kisame. Kisame looks worriedly over at Ren, who refuses to speak to Hidan. "He'll be okay, he needs this" Itachi says nudging Kisame. The shark nods in response and follows him silently back to the hideout.

Rens lip trembles as he stares at the grave, his eyes dry, he has no more tears left. "Ren... should we head inside?" Hidan asks. Ren shakes his head in response as he sits down, wrapping his arms around his legs, staring at the headstone. Hidan breathes deeply, unsure how to console his grieving brother while dealing with his own grief. "Is there anything I can do for you?" Hidan asks softly. Ren shakes his head as he lowers his chin to his arms. Hidan struggles with what to say, alas he gives up. "I'll... be inside..." He says quietly before turning towards the hideout.

He lays down on his bed, emotionally exhausted from the funeral. He lifts his left hand, admiring Kakazus ring laying beside his. "Stupid old man.... how could you leave me..." He whispers as tears stream down his face. He turns over, cuddling the pillow like he did last night, Kakazus scent helping him drift off to sleep.

Kakazu sighs as he sees the hideout come into view. Finally....Hidan... I've missed you... He enters the dark hideout, finding it completely empty. He opens Rens door to see the bed empty. Where is he... he turns his attention to his bedroom door as he walks slowly over to it. He opens the door quietly, the candle barely still burning, a light dim cast on the room. He steps in and closes the door, seeing Hidan sound asleep on the bed. He smiles as he steps closer to the bed and sees him clutching tightly to his pillow. Normally he would be annoyed but right now... it's the most adorable thing on earth.

He takes off his cloak and sits beside him softly, trying not to wake him. He moves some of his silver hair from his face before laying next to him. He wraps his arms around his waist as he pulls Hidaan closer to him. "Hidan... I missed you..." He whispers. Hidan moves slightly, feeling heaviness around him. The Jashinist's dreams full of Kakazu, his arms wrapped around him, it's so vivid... it's like he's right here. Tears start to stream down his face as he fidgets in his sleep, the intimacy too much for him, even in the dream realm.

"Kakazu..." He whispers in his sleep. Kakazu lifts his head, seeing him fast asleep. "Don't... leave me..." He continues as his tears continue to fall. Kakazu feels his heart ache, seeing Hidan like this is too much. He wipes his tears away from his cheek with his thumb as he turns his face toward him. "Hidan.... I'm here... wake up" he says softly. He moves his mask and kisses him lightly, the warm contact stirring Hidan slightly. Hidans eyes start to flutter open slowly. "Kakazu..." He whispers seeing his green eyes peering down at him. "I'm dreaming aren't I?" He says sadly. Kakazu shakes his head as he pulls him closer, hugging him tightly. "I'm here.... Hidan. Im here" he says kissing him deeply. Hidan feels his body against his, his hands travel up his back and into his headcover, throwing it off as his brown locks fall around them. "Kakazu... this can't be...real..." Hidan says, his eyes shut tight, not wanting to open them and making his fantasy vanish. "Open your eyes," Kakazu breathes. Hidans lip trembles as he slowly opens his eyes... meeting those usually angry, but now soft and inviting green gems yet again.

He pinches his eyes shut and opens them again, not believing his view, his hands trail up to Kakazus face, stroking it gently. Kakazu leans his cheek deeper into his palms, having missed his warmth. He gasps softly, feeling the softness of his skin and the grit of his stitches. He sits up abruptly, "Kakazu?" He whispers. Kakazu nods as he joins him sitting up. Hidans tears fall from his jaw to his chest. "H-how?" He says crushing into him, hugging him tightly. "My hearts took over," Kakazu replies stroking his hair. "But we buried you?" Hidan says looking up at him. Kakazus shakes his head, "That was a clone. I had to make sure of something before I came back." He leans in to kiss him but Hidan stops him, pushing against his chest.

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