▪️ wedding #1 ▪️

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Neela galloped in rejoice

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Neela galloped in rejoice ...!!

They were back to SriParvat almost  after a week... Neela and Shravan didn't leave  any  nook or  corner of Aaranya ..

Shravan sneaked  to every extent to get the best for Suman  for he knew that she was one of a kind who didn't bather about the material possessions..

It was the first glimmer of the sunshine , when Shravan stepped in at the first entrance of  SriParvat...

Unlike every time , people  applauded merrily to welcome Shravan.. 

Victory conch sounded to challenge the thunder ..  The escalation of the drumming beats hit the heaven which sounded the people's ecstasy..

The path  that connected SriParvat and the palace was decorated with wild flowers throughout.. More than that, the smile of every people uplifted the aura ..

Neela stood like a musketeer in front of hundred horses...  Those hundred horses were burdened with the precious things which Shravan had collected for his Lady love..

Neela was proud enough to lead those horses.. She flared her nostrils and neighed to exhibit her supremacy..

Shravan smiled understanding her...

" Neela... Easy.. !!"

He fondly ruffled her forehead.. That was the way he used to convey his love for her...

MahaVeer  welcomed Shravan at the entrance... He patted Neela and hugged Shravan...

" My boy ... I am so proud and feel like I have  attained my  lifetime goal.. you're like my son... And , this ritual reminds me of your father... You're not less than him.. Time and tide will resonate your name until the heaven dies.. "

MahaVeer was in happy tears.. 

In Aaranya ,  the Mukya Prathanis owe to follow Brahmacharyam...  That is , they won't get married and promised their life for Satpati and Aaranya..

Being a Mukya Prathani , MahaVeer reared Shravan like his own son and protected him in every way..

Then  , it was his turn to do the rituals for Shravan at his father's place..

The rituals began with the aarthi... MahaVeer smeared the sandal paste at Shravan ' s forehead and put a garland around his neck which was made of vaagai flowers..

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