▪️The day▪️

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It was almost the last prahar of the evening when Shravan had arrived SriParvat

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It was almost the last prahar of the evening when Shravan had arrived SriParvat...

" Forgive me my friend...! I couldn't spend time with you on the very first day itself... Are you served with dinner...? Did Bhanu behave well ? If she didn't  , please don't mind ... She's one spoilt brat of SriParvat.. "

As Shravan was keep on conversing , Ranjit stopped him...

" Mitra... Don't be formal... I was taken care with at most hospitality ...and ,  Bhanu is quite okay... Except that green Curry .."

Ranjit threw a mischievous half eye at Bhanu who peeped out of her house ... Noticing his mock ,she curled her lips jokingly..

" Green Curry ?"

As Shravan shrunk his brows , Bhanu narrated the story of Ranjit's epic dinner ...

Shravan broke out into bouts of laughter...

It took sometime for him to stop laughing...

" Ranjit... Here  ,  it will be  extremely cold . The soldiers who guards the boundaries at night should have  green Curry in their meal to keep their body warmth... It has  green chillies and some herbs ..."

Explaining him , he had his dinner served by Bhanu...

   As and when Bhanu left , Shravan made cushioned bed for Ranjit...

" Ranjit... You sleep here... I will be outside.. if you want anything , let me know..."

Instructing him , shravan clipped  his dagger in it's cover...  He carefully checked the sharpness of his sword before leaving his house...

Ranjit was witnessing his weapon checks and was hesitating to inquire him ...

   He was still confused with their lifestyle and what he understood was their routine that never goes off in any situation... Each of the Aaranya people had their own scheduled duty which they considered it as their eye... That was the perfect harmony of Aaranya...

Ranjit sat near the window to see the full moon in the clear sky... It was a new experience for him to live in dark woods with deep peace of mind...

It's blissful...!!!

He thought...

Sooner , he felt bored to be alone.. sleep didn't touch him as he had taken enough of rest at day time... He thought to go out for atleast he would get some  fresh air..

Slowly ,he opened the door and stepped outside . For a moment, he was frightened to see the inky darkness...still ,he stepped out.. He was not sure of the directions hence he randomly chose a path to walk...

As he began to walk , the needle pricking cold and the rumbling leaves created goosebumps in him... He gulped hard to think that if he had done a mistake  terribly..

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