▪️ Betrayal ▪️

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  The river streamed quick than usual  as though  in a  haste to meet the ocean.. The moon gleamed to the fullest bright so as to witness the cruel betrayal that was going to happen through out  that night...

Nethra  clenched her eyes ... A lone tear drop rolled down .. she bit her sob and drew her scimitar.. keeping it at her back , she came out of her hut..

Vela must have gone a long way by this time..!!!

She thought....

Vela ' s memories tumbled her emotions down..  For the past few weeks , She had lived the fullest extent of life in Aaranya with Vela .. Nowhere she had  experienced the secured and warmth livelihood than Aaranya.. She would never disagree with it..

Still, her  incomplete duty towards ChandraGiri made her nights sleepless..She could not either deny that she was  brought up by MayaVati, the queen of ChandraGiri..And , the reason why she had been sent to Aaranya tormented  her soul whenever she felt the endless love of  the people at Aaranya..

  She had no other choices left but to regret her fate..

She could see shravan's canopy  at  the distance.. He was  all alone as everyone was diverted to various responsibilities..

This is the right time...!!!

She tiptoed between the thick woods.. 

Reaching a distance , she stopped ...

Looking around , she raised her scimitar.. Her hand reached her stomach involuntarily to secure the offspring..

Yes... She was pregnant...!!

My dear baby!! Forgive your mom for this betrayal!! May God bless me with you at least in my next birth...!!

   I am a misfortune for you Vela...!! I am not fortunate enough to live with you.. The guilt kills me everyday that I came here as a spy.. I can't live this one life happily..At least , I will be at peace after  my death for the reason that I didn't harm anyone..!! Thank God!!I didn't harm Aaranya!!! I will be loyal to Aaranya and you in my every next birth...

She  pleaded from her heart and shut her eyes to count the last minutes of being alive.. 

Stiffening her body , she raised her scimitar towards her chest...

   Before the sharp edge of the scimitar could reach her chest , someone grabbed it strong...

" Nethra... !!!"

An authoritative female voice rose behind her...


Nethra opened her eyes slowly...

Her every single nerve crumbled down   to see Shravan in front of her...

Her eyes froze at him . Her body was  trembling like lifeless..  she lost tracking with time and continued to stand still..slowly , she let go off the  scimitar  .... Tears sprung up in a moment and her groan grew in to a loud sob by time... When she was unable to hold her ,she fell down crying aloud ...

" Nethra...!!!"

Bhanu ran and embraced her like a mother...

She wiped off her tears and traced her back to comfort her...

  " Nethra... How dare you to do this to you?! If something would have happened how would I face Vela..?!"

Bhanu 's heart melted to witness Nethra ' s  arms which  were still at her abdomen..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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