Pete Wntz is dad {jish.x, reub.x, ty.x, ry.x, bren.x, susa.x, dally.x, emma.x, patrick, trohmosexual, andy.x, gee.x, dad.x, toro19}
reub.x: brennndddooonnn
reub.x: your birthday's tomorrrroooowww!!!!
reub.x: you get to be old as fuck too
ry.x: oh yeah, and b, im not getting you anything
ry.x: the fob tickets were your birthday present
bren.x: awww you're so mean ryan :(
bren.x: im going to go hang out with dallon
bren.x: dallon will get me a present
dally.x: i heard my name
dally.x: do I need to skin ryan and tie him up in my basement?
bren.x: yes.
ry.x: :(
bren.x: ok fine
bren.x: no dallon, you don't need to skin ry
bren.x: but you do need to get me a birthday present
reub.x: I'm gonna bake you a cake
ry.x: you live on the other side of the world
reub.x: fine
reub.x: I'm going to bake a cake in celebration of your birthday and eat it all by myself and be sad that you're on the other side of the world and so can't eat it with me
susa.x: I am more than okay with eating that cake with you
bren.x: I'm going to be sad that you're on the other side of the world too :(
ty.x: we could all just take a trip somewhere and meet up
reub.x: yeah but when would we do that
reub.x: me and susa for sure can't just get out of school to take a trip across the world
ty.x: it would have to wait til the summer
ty.x: you guys can fly to ohio
ry.x: not flying to ohio
ry.x: why don't you fly to vegas?
dad.x: wrong, you should all come to chicago
reub.x: or you could come to the uk
reub.x: because the uk's cool
reub.x: if there's even half as much sun in america as tv shows claim there is, I can come nowhere near it
reub.x: they haven't invented factor 500 suncream yet
dad.x: damn
dad.x: are you a ginger?
reub.x: nope
reub.x: my brother's ginger but I'm the one who burns easily
jish.x: I'm down for coming to the uk
jish.x: it would be fun
dally.x: yeah, it would
dally.x: who would be coming?
bren.x: hell yes
dally.x: I would
jish.x: me
ty.x: if josh is in, so am I
emma.x: I'm so down for meeting susa in real life
dad.x: I am hiring a minivan so we can all drive around together
gee.x: I'm in
gee.x: and I'm bringing ray
patrick: if pete's going, he's going to need someone there to babysit him so I don't really get a choice
patrick: meaning neither do andy or joe
susa.x: me and reuben are already in the uk
ry.x: could I bring my friend spencer?
bren.x: how do I not know spencer?
ry.x: he goes to the private school on the other side of town
ry.x: he'll probably invite his boyfriend too
reub.x: everyone is welcome
ry.x: swag
ry.x: I'll send him an invite to this chat as well
gee.x: should we invite frank too?
reub.x: I'll leave that decision up to you gee
gee.x: cool, I'll have a think
dally.x: so that would mean 14-15 of us flying to the uk
reub.x: that's going to be so much fun