Chapter Eleven: We Are The Same

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"Oh hello there!" I walked forward, reaching up and petting the horse's nose. It rubbed into me, snorting happily. I laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we worry about the Horse later? Mickey and Rose are running around this ship and we've got no idea what else is out there with them. It could be anything." The Doctor stated.

"Like a horse." I pointed out. "You know, for someone who's seemingly so protective of his companions, they seem to have no problem wandering off alone."

"Haven't you been listening! I tell them not to, but they never listen. Now come on!" He grabbed my arm, pulling me around the horse and through the corridor behind it. Once we were on the other side of it, his hand released my arm, sliding down to my lower back. I looked up at him.

"What, are you gonna snog me too?" I asked. He sighed, removing his hand. "I just thought I'd ask, since its apparently normal for you to make out with complete strangers."

"Right, anytime you want to go back to the apologizing bit." I smiled, ruffling his hair and leading the way down the corridor. It wasn't long until we heard the sound of hooves following after us.


"Rose!" The Doctor called. He looked behind him to see that the horse was still following behind. "Will you stop following us? We're not your mother." The horse nudged his arm in response. 

"Doctor." I grabbed his arm, nodding towards a pair of white double doors to our right.

"So this is where you came from, eh horsey?" He asked. We pushed the doors open together, exiting out into what appeared to be a courtyard. There were small ponds situated all over the place, and people wearing more period clothes were strolling around, including Reinette, who was walking arm-in-arm with another girl holding a parasol over her head. 

"Oh Katherine, you're too wicked!" Reinette laughed. She turned around, looking in our direction and the Doctor pulled me down behind a concrete planter. 

"What's the matter? Scared she'll kiss you again?" I whispered.

"You will not let that go, will you?!" He exclaimed. 

"Not in this lifetime, no." I said, turning to look at him, only to find that his face was very close to mine. I cleared my throat uncomfortably, looking away from him to peer over the wall as Reinette turned away from us again.

"Oh, speaking of wicked," The other girl continued, "I hear Madame De Chateauroux is ill and close to death." 

"Yes, I am devastated." Reinette said sarcastically.

"Oh, indeed. I myself, am frequently inconsolable." We stood up fully and the Doctor leaned an arm on the concrete railing as we watched the women. "The King will therefore be requiring a new mistress. You love the king of course."

"He is the King and I love him with all my heart. And I look forward to meeting him."  She looked around again and I sank to the ground with my back against the pillar, reaching up and pulling the Doctor down by his tie. He fell to his knees, facing me, shooting me a look.

"What? I thought you didn't want her to see you." I stated. He shook his head in annoyance, but his eyes drifted to the bandage on my face again.

"I really wish you would let me have a look at that." He said softly.  I sighed, lifting my hand to hide it from his sight.

"I told you, its just a scratch-"

"You don't know that." He interrupted, lightly grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand away from my face. He held it between us, his warm breath fanning my face due to our proximity. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating at the closeness, but I had no idea why. I hardly know this man, so why is it that, from the very moment I saw him, he has the power to make me feel things I've never felt before?

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