Chapter Twenty-Two: The Queen Does The Housework

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A few moments later, the Doctor and Rose pulled back around the corner. I held my arms out.

"What happened then?" I asked. 

"They just disappeared. Lost 'em roud a corner." The Doctor said suspiciously as Rose took her helmet off. 

"Men in black, disappearing cars?" I asked. "This is Churchill's England not Stalin's Russia."

"That's what he said," Rose said, climbing off of the moped, "I suggested asking the neighbors. The 'domestic' approach."

"The smartest approach," I added, "You want to know the gossip you ask around the neighborhood...and I know just where to start."

I pointed a finger at the house that the boy from earlier had disappeared into. The Doctor tapped his nose at me and the three of us moved over to the front door. I reached out, ringing the doorbell. The door was pulled open, revealing the grumpy man from earlier with the curious Tommy looking over his shoulder.

"Hi!" The Doctor, Rose, and I chorused in extremely cheerful tones with cheesy plastered smiles. 

"Who are you, then?" The man asked.

"Let's see, judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war, therefore I represent Queen and country!" The Doctor held up the Psychic paper for him to see. "Just doing a little check up of her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if we come in? No, I didn't think you did, thank you."

The Doctor pushed him aside and Rose and I followed him past the man and into the living room of the house.  There was a woman in a purple and white floral dress standing by the television. 

"Very nice!' The Doctor praised. "Very well kept, I'd like to congratulate you, Mrs..."

"Connolly." She answered nervously. The Doctor moved and I both moved into the living room to stand beside her, with Tommy following us towards the front of the room. The man stood behind the couch, folding his arms behind his back while Rose stuck close to the door.

"Now then Rita, I can handle this." The man said stily "This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife, she rattles on a bit."

"I'm sorry, were we talking to you?" I asked, earning a horrified look from the man. "I believe he was speaking to her, was he not?"

"Maybe she should rattle on a bit more," The Doctor added as Rose moved to sit on the arm of a chair, "I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Those flags, why are they not flying?"

I followed his gaze to see a string of flags folded over a dining chair beside Rose.

"There we are, Rita, I told you. Get them up. Queen and country." 

"I'm sorry." Rita said, prompting the Doctor to hold up a hand. 

"Get it done. Do it now!"

"Hold on a minute." The Doctor said.

"Like the gentleman says-"

"Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. Then why is that your wife's job?"

"Well, its housework, innit?" My eyes widened and I turned dramatically to look at the Doctor.

"And that's a woman's job?"

"Of course it is." The Doctor looked at me and waved a hand at Mr. Connelly, prompting me to have at him.

"Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking up at him. "I know its a difficult question, but do try to answer best you can."

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