Chapter Thirty-One: The Satan Pit

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"We're stabilizing. We've got Orbit."

"Doctor! Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor, Ida, are you there?" 

"Jefferson, what's happening there?"

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?"

"All I've got is a bolt-gun with uh...all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is. "

"Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine."

"Strategy nine agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Rose, what about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?"

"I can't get a reply. Just nothing. I keep trying, but its..."

"No," I said through a burst of static, "Sorry, I'm fine. Still here!" 

"You could have said, you stupid-" A loud burst of feedback cut off her words, causing me to wince. 

"Whoa, careful!" I warned. "Anyway, both of us, me and Ida. Hello! But the seal opened up. Its gone. All we've got left is this...chasm."

"How deep is it?" Zack questioned.

"Can't tell. Looks like it goes down forever."

"The pit is open," Rose noted, "That's what the voice said."

"But there's nothing. I mean, there's nothing coming out?"

"No, no, no. No sign of 'the beast'." 

"It said Satan."

"Come on, Rose. Keep it together." I told her. 

"Is there no such thing? Doctor?" She asked. "Doctor, tell me there's no such thing."

"Ida, I recommend that you withdraw immediately." 

"But we've come all this way." She said, throwing her hands up. 

"Ok, that was an order. Withdraw! When that thing opened, the whole planet shifted. One more inch and we fall into the black hole so this thing stops right now." 

"Doctor, what about Mary?" Rose asked.

"Its not much better up there with the Ood." Ida argued.

"Yes, and Rose is right, my friend might still be down here somewhere." 

"I'm initiating strategy nine so I need the two of you back up top immediately. No-" She hit a button on her suit, cutting off the transmission. I raised my eyebrows. 

"What do you think?" She asked. I stepped up to the edge of the seal.

"He gave an order." I replied. 

"Yeah, but...what do you think?"

"I think...that I don't want to leave without knowing whether or not my friend is ok." I answered.

"If there's something in there, why is it still hiding?"

"Maybe we opened the prison, but not the cell." I theorized. 

"We should go down," She said, "I'd go. What about you?"

"Oh, oh in a second," I agreed, "But then again...that is so human. Where angels fear to tread. Even now, standing on the edge, its that feeling you get, yeah? Right at the back of your head. That impulse, that strange little impulse. That mad little voice saying, 'Go on, go on, go on. Go over, go on.' Maybe its relying on that. For once in my life, Officer Scott, I'm going to say...retreat. Now I know we're getting old."

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