Chapter Thirty-Six: Different But The Same

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"Oh, aren't you a beautiful boy!" Rose called as we exited the alley.

"Thanks!" He exclaimed. "At least someone thinks so. I've been experimenting with back combing-Oh."

I looked over to see Rose crouched on the ground, petting an orange cat. I stifled a laugh, looking over at the Doctor to see a disgusted look on his face. 

"What?" Rose asked.

"No, I'm not really a cat person." The Doctor told her. "Once you've been threatened by one in a Nun's wimple it kind of takes the joy out of it."

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Story for another time." He said, shaking his head. 

"Come here, puss." Rose called, following the cat as it walked away and climbed into a cardboard box. 

"Sorry, I just want to make sure I heard you correctly, you said a cat...dressed like a nun?" 

"Yup, human sized and everything." I shook my head, my eyes widening. 

"Doctor, Mary." Rose called. 

We walked over to see her crouched beside the box, only it was now completely empty. The Doctor bent down towards it, as did I, and we were both hit with the strong metallic scent that we'd been smelling all over town.

"Whoa-ho-ho!" The Doctor exclaimed, waving his hand through the air. "Whoo!" 

"Oh, that's Ion residue," I diagnosed, "Got to be."

"Blimey!" The Doctor said, picking up the box and turning it over in his hands. "That takes some doing, just to snatch a living organism out of space-time. This baby is just like 'I'm having some of that,' I'm impressed."

"Same stretch of street." I confirmed, looking around. "Its got to be something in this area...I almost wonder if it has to see it in order to take it, like if its only got a clear vantage point of this part of the street." 

"So the cat's been transported?" Rose asked. I walked into the middle of the road, turning around in circles. 

"It can harness huge reserves of ionic power. We need to find the source of that power, find the source and you will find whatever has taken to stealing children and fluffy animals. See what you can see, keep 'em peeled Lewis."

The Doctor walked away, coming over to join me. 

"Its got to be here." I said, gesturing at the road beneath me with both hands. "I can feel it, something..."

"Just keep at it," he said quietly, pushing a few loose strands of hair out of my face, "I'm going to check down there."

I offered him a two-fingered salute and he walked off, leaving me standing in the middle of the street. 

"That you, puss cat? You trapped?" I turned around to see Rose standing in front of a random garage door. 

"Rose, be careful!" I called, walking over to join her in front of the door. "It could be a cat...could be something a bit more extraterrestrial." 

"Hiding in a garage?" She asked. I shrugged, glancing back at the door.

"You never know. Some aliens fancy a good garage. Dark, quiet...hidden away from prying eyes." 

A loud noise came from inside, and I put a hand back towards Rose before bending down and grabbing the bottom of the door. I hesitated for a long moment before yanking it open in one fell swoop. 

Something dark flew right past me, making a beeline for Rose. I jumped back, shoving her out of the way and causing her to fall, hard, onto the pavement behind me. I fell as well, looking up as a violent, buzzing black squiggle filled the air only inches away from my face. 

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