Chapter One: John Smith

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"Darling, we're sorry. We're so, so sorry."

'We're crashing! The engines are failing, there's nothing we can do!"

"Be strong, my darling girl. We love you so much. You are going to do such great things. Build a life for yourself. Find love. Do that for your Mum and Dad."

"No! NO! NOOO-"

I bolted upright in my bed, my body drenched in a cold sweat.

Its always the same, that particular dream. I've had many strange dreams for as long as I can remember, but that particular one likes to pop up every now and then, and its always the same. Its a chaotic slew of images; fire, explosions, a pair of kind blue eyes, filled with tears, and those words. A man and a woman talking over the chaos, always those same apologies and proposed promises; a mention of a Mum and Dad and then the screams of death...

Then I wake up. Every time, without fail, sweating and confused I bolt upright in bed with tears streaming down my face. And that's the even weirder part...I never feel sad or scared and yet I always wake up crying. It makes no sense.

I heard a car horn sound outside, drawing me back to reality. I sighed, shoving my long red mop of hair out of my face before tearing myself out of bed and going to the window. I shoved the curtains aside to see Sarah Jane's car parked in my driveway. I slid the window open and she opened her car door, climbing out of it.

"Were you still asleep?!" She called. "Was it the dreams again?"

"Always is." I replied. "Give me a minute, I'll be right down."

"Don't be too long! Mr. Finch is expecting us. And don't forget your camera, you're my 'photographer' remember?" I nodded, leaning inside again and shutting the window. 

I'd stumbled across Sarah Jane Smith when I was least, that's how old she said I looked, so we just went with that. She'd been investigating some strange behaviors in a shop keeper in Cardiff and I was a lost, confused, and homeless child who was just trying to steal some food in order to survive. She found me as I was breaking in and the two of us ended up getting wrapped up in a child smuggling ring. Together we took them down...and we've been together ever since.

If Sarah Jane's sentiment is to be believed, I am now twenty-eight years old. I've been investigating with Sarah Jane for thirteen years now and on this particular day, we're headed to a school that; after the arrival of a new headmaster, the students are suddenly achieving incredibly high marks. Impossibly high. We're going in under cover today, posing as a reporter and her trusty photographer, doing a piece on Mr. Finch and his incredible academic achievements.

I stumbled around my room, a tooth brush hanging out of my mouth as I pulled on a pair of jeans and a faded 'Rolling Stones' t-shirt. I slipped my feet into my black high-top converse and pulled on my denim jacket before running to the bathroom and spitting out my toothpaste. I grabbed my keys and started down the stairs towards the front door before remembering two very important things. I doubled back, running into my bedroom and grabbing my camera off the bedside table as well as my locket, which I immediately fastened around my neck and tucked underneath my t-shirt.

My locket is the only thing I had on me when I woke up in the alleyway. Its the first possession I've ever owned as far as I know. Its a rather large, round, vintage looking locket with strange circular markings on the pendant. I have my suspicions that inside it might lie a clue as to who I am and why I can't remember, but I've never actually opened it. I'm too afraid to...I don't know why, really.

I also grabbed my messenger bag before rushing out the door, barely managing to lock it behind me before climbing into the passenger's seat.

"Record time. You sure do have a knack for getting ready in a rush." She stated, turning around to look behind her as she backed out.

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