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Amity's POV

"Are you sure it was here?"

"Yes!" Luz grunts, rummaging threw an abandoned house near hers. "the first time I went to the boiling isles I followed eda's owl here. I also ended here the one time I went through the portal with Lilith."

"It could just be a coincidence." I shiver from a sudden cold breeze. "There's alot of random human stuff here, maybe Eda just uses it to get junk. You were using her portal both times, she could just have a connection to this place."

"That's true, but what if something here is connected to the Boling isles. We could use that link to get home."

I stare at her dig through junk for a few more minutes, "is this about your mom?"  I finally have the courage to ask.

She stops digging, "no, I just want to get home."

"Luz, this is your home."

She ignores me,

"Luz, you're human. You belong in the human world. That blue house on Main  that's your home."

"No it's not!" She finally snaps, "what do you know anyways, you've never been the weird kid."


"No, at least on the Boling isles I have freinds, there no one cares about how big my imagination is."

"We don't even know if we can get back."

"Don't you want to go home!" Luz snaps,

I shuffle back,

"I'm sorry," she whispers, realizing what she did. "I'm sorry, I know you don't like yelling."

"Its fine, I cant imagine how hard this is for you."

She raises an eyebrow,

"I know how hard it was for you when you closed the portal."

"But I-"

"You told everyone you were fine, but I could tell you weren't. Knowing you could never see your mom again, it scared you. And then poof, here we are."

"I never got to say goodbye." Luz sniffles, "I said such horrible things to her."

"I know." I whisper, running over to embrace her. "I know, but you're here now."

She sniffles, "I know, but I don't think I'm ready. Ive been gone for three years and I cant even give her a good reason why."

"You can tell her when you're ready, and until then just spend time with her."

She nods, drying her eyes.

"But what about you, what if we cant go back?"

I shrug, "I don't know, but will figure that later okay?"

She nods, "lets go back."

I nod,  "lets go."

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