I'm fine?

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"How are you good at this?" I ask, as amity is kicking my butt at monopoly. Even though it's her first time playing.

"I don't know, I'm just coping you." She shrugs.

"Of course you are" I huff crossing my arms. "And you're to cute to get mad at."

"Thanks" she chuckles. "where did you even get this from?" She asks, gesturing to her cat onesie.

"I had a spare." I smile, doing a pose in my otter onesie. "Just some more perks of the human world."

"Yeah" she smiles rolling the dice.

Me and amity had our first date today, we went to the beach since willow told me it was her favourite place to go. After that we went to the snow mountains to practice some new spells. We stop by my house to grab my Azura books, but it started acid raining and we got stuck inside. Eda and king were visiting the market and got suck in a shelter over there, so it's just me and amity.

"Luz, luz" amity says breaks me from my train of thought. "I went for you, like you said to do when ever you're spacing out and I think you own me money?" She asks pointing to the board.

"I landed on parks place again?" I sigh. "How much money do you have left?"


"Congratulations you win" I say so we can finish up the game.

"But we haven't finished the game"

"Amity, no one actually finish's the game. It's way to long, most people wait till someone's out of money then the winner is based on who has the most."

"Then why play if you're not gonna finish it?"

"That's just what humans do, don't get me started on procrastinating. That's were you put off work till the last possible minute."

"What dose that accomplishment?"

"The ability to get four hours worth of work done in 20 minutes."

"and that actually works?" She asks, confused.

"Yeah, surprising well actually."

"Shoot, speaking of work" she grads her backpack pulling out a bunch of handouts. "I have to finish my homework"

"I thought you already did?" I ask, leaning closer.

"It's umm, it's just extra work." She mutters.

"No, that's the same as the worksheet I helped you with?" I point to the one she's working on. "It looks like you're just redoing your work from earlier."

"I'm not, it just looks similar."

"Then let me look?"

"Luz! Drop it" she snaps, she takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit stressed out and didn't mean to snap at you."

"Hey, it's okay" I whisper, rubbing her back. "Remember you can tell me anything."

"Don't worry luz, I'm fine" she smiles connecting our lips.

She's lying

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