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Amity's POV

Why can't mother stay out of my business for once? Amity go do this, no amity that's not for you. Get better at magic amity, learn more spells amity. "Agh, I hate her" I vent kicking a rock. Nothing could make this day any worse, I'll just read to the kids then go practice magic. That should calm me down.

"Oh, amity! You're earlier." The librarian greets me.

"Yeah, what book would you like me to read to day?" I ask, we're she hands me the ugly duckling. The ugly ducking, just like me.

"Amity? Are you alright?" They ask. "you're staring at the book"

"Yeah.. yeah, I'm fine" I nod.

While reading the story, I can't but feel a connection to the ducking. Maybe it's because I'm just like him, I mean the rest of my families so normal... and I'm not. "The end" I smile closing the book.

I think I need some me time, I hurry over to my secret spot after most of the kids are gone. "What are you doing here?" I ask noticing someone's else found my spot.

"Amity?" They ask.

"Luz?" I question back. "W-what are you doing here?"

"isn't this place cool?" She asks, doing a little spin. "I just found it."

"I mean I guess it is" I shrug push back my hair, what's this strange feeling.

"They even have the good witch azura volumes one to four, no five though."

"It's hard to get here." I whisper crossing my arms, go away butterflies.

"So this place is yours?!" She asks existed.

"Well...yeah." I whisper, while my stomach continues to swarm with butterflies. Damit what's wrong with me. "I'm actually surprised you're being nice to me...I thought you hated me."

"Willow and Gus are my friends" she whispers, slightly smiling. "And you were really mean to them, especially your friends."

"I'm sorry" I whisper

"But I don't hate you". She continues her sentence. "Because I believe everyone can become friends, even if there a little mean at first."

"'re really not mad?"

"Of course not" she shakes her head. "I mean you like Azura, so how bad could you be?" She shrugs

I can't feel my face heat up, "I-I have to go. But I'll see you at school?" I ask, nervously spinning my fingers.

"Okay" she's smile. "Oh, wait!" She smile going through her book bag. "Wanna borrow it? I noticed you only had to volume four."

"Thank you" I smile, looking at the fifth volume of the good witch Azura.

"Just make sure to return it"

I nod, holding the book to my chest as I run away. What's wrong with me? What are these strange feelings.

I walk inside, seeing my siblings playing video games, mother would never let me play.

"hey mittens, how was the library?" My older sister emira asks.

"It was fine" I mutter, Walking towards them. "What are you playing?"

"I don't know" Edric, my older brother shrugs. "But I'm destroying emira at it" he laughs giving her a playful shove.

"Ohhh, you're so going down" she laughs leaning closer to the tv.

"Emira, do you still have that book about sighs and symptoms for aliments?"

"Yeah, why mittens? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just for a project."

"I..think.. it's on the bookshelf in front of the desk in the common room."

"Okay" I nod, walking over there. "Here, it's is" I smile, since it took me forever to find it.

I look up my symptoms, what feels to be butterflies in my stomach, nervousness when ever luz is around, my face becoming flushed. They all point to one illness..lovesickness. The sickness of being in love with another.

"What are you looking at?" Someone asks, where I quickly shut the book.

"It's nothing"

"Amity, you should be focused on your school work not whatever this is." She sneers, pushing luz book towards me. "Remember you're a blight, you should be focused on school."

"But Edric and emira can have fun" I whisper under my breath.

"Excuse me young lady" my mother grabs my chin, making so I can't look away from her. "Your siblings have the right to have fun. Their  magic power is worthy of the blight family name, yours however isn't. So you have to focus on school and marry well providing worthy children. Do you understand?"

"yes mother!" I nod as she lets go if my chin.

"The duke family's son wants to meet you, he is the kinda of man you want to marry so treat him with respect."

"When is he arriving?" I ask, with my head down.

"Tomorrow evening, be prepared." She says walking away.

She's right, I'm weak. I have to marry a man, a man...a man.

But what about my lovesickness?

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