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"Still sad?" Eda asks as I munch on my cereal.

I nod, "how can you tell?"

"You've been chewing the same bite of cereal for ten minutes."

"oh" I sigh, flopping on to the table. "What if I go to school and amity doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Luz, don't worry so much. Whatever happens happens" she shrugs "and you can always drop out, I mean I did and I turned out fine."

"But Eda I-"

I'm interrupted by a purple claw appearing from behind the pantry. Making the most annoying high pitched sound.

"Eda, what is that?"

"Nothing" she says running across the room, trying to keep the pantry door shut. "But you should get going, also tell king I need that. Would you?"

"Okay," I nod grabbing my bag, also being little concerned. I notice king near the door playing world domination with his stuffy's. "hey king, I thought you got rid of theses guys after they rebelled against you for the third time."

"I was, but then they begged me to spare there life's and how can I say no to them."

"Okay, By the way eda says she needs the thing?" I ask, hoping he can give me some sort of information about whats happening."

"The day of reckoning is a pond us" he whispers, racing to eda. "Eda! We agreed you wouldn't potentially cause the apocalypse on taco Tuesday!"

I start heading to school, don't get me wrong I like adventure. But not ones that could potential end the world as we know it, it's to much pressure."

"Luz!" Willow waves running over,

"Hey guys!" I wave back.

"We were on your way to get you" Gus smiles. "Have you heard the rumour?"

"What rumour?"

"Apparently amity kissed a girl at grom, no one knows who it was though." Willow shrugs

"Luz, you were amity all night right?" Gus asks "did you see who it was?"

"N-no" I shake my head, I should talk to amity first before I tell anyone it was me.

"That's a shame" Willow sighs. "I'm betting it was that girl in her glass with the round glass and the pink strips in her hair."

"My betts are still on the girl from potions class, what about you luz?" Gus asks

"Dose it really matter who she kissed?" I ask "If she kissed anyone." I quickly say. "I don't think it's our place to be betting on a thing like that, it has nothing to do with us."

"I guess your right" Willow smiles "we should get to class, we wouldn't want to be late."

(Time skip) cause I'm lazy :)

"can I go to the bathroom?" I ask raising my hand.

The teacher agrees, we're I run to the nearest bathroom to splash water on my face. Everyone's been talking about amity and who she kissed all day.

"Luz?" Someone asks walking into the bathroom room.


"I'm sorry" she whispers, "I shouldn't of ran away."

"Amity!" I run over to her embrace. "I'm sorry too, it's cause of me people are saying such awful things about you."

"It's not your fault" she hugs tighter, nuzzling her face into my arm. "After all I did kiss you first."

She backs away. "I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologize" I smile grabbing her hand.

"no, luz!" She pulls her hand away. "Let me finish. I'm sorry for kissing you and running away, that probably hurt your feelings. But I was just scared. I like you, like really like you. And those feelings terrify me, since you seemed to only like me as a friend. So after I kissed you I thought I messed everything up and ran. So I'm sorry."

"You like me?"

"Of course I do." She sniffles, is she about to cry. "And if you don't feel the same it's okay, you just have to promise that we'll stay friends."

"Oh amity" I chuckles leaning in to kiss her cheek, causing her to blush. "Now we're even, and I like you too."


I nod, "since we both like each other, amity. Do you mind going out with me?"

Amity at first looks startled then stares blank faced at the ground. "I would love to say yes, but my parents.." she trails off. "We would have to date in secret and that wouldn't be fair to you."

"I can keep a secret" I smile, "as long as I'm dating you I don't really mind."

"Are you sure?"

I once again nod,

"Then yes" she looks away blushing.

"Dose that make us girlfriends?" I ask

"I guess it dose" she glances back smiling.

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