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"I'm Don't Know Anymore..."

(trigger warning: bullying)

Killua's POV:
It's been a couple of weeks since Gon moved houses, but he's been a lot more irritated with something recently, and looks slightly more beat up with each day. He's been way more distant from us. I'm really worried for him. What if his dad is doing this to him? I wanna help him, or at least just talk to him about it.

"Gon." I called for him during lunch.

"What?" He rolled his eyes.

"What's up with you recently?" I worriedly asked.

"What do you mean? Nothing's up with me."

"Yes, there is. You haven't been acting like yourself recently, ever since you moved in with your dad!"

"What??? Please, moving with my dad is the best thing's that's happened this year."

"You sure? Nothing's annoying you?"

"What's been annoying me are people not minding their own fucking business!"

Oh, so he's talking about me.

"So, you're annoyed at me, huh? Goodbye, don't talk to me again!" I walk away.

Gon's POV:
What the hell is up with me... I have to stop acting like this, but I want to please Ging... I just pushed away my only friend, now I'm alone... I feel overwhelmed, I want to have Killua back, but I don't wanna get beat up when I get home. Ging's such a liar, he hasn't been feeding me extra, and hasn't given me a bed.

We were in science class, when I asked to head to the washroom, not 'cause I needed to use it, I felt overwhelmed and wanted to cry. This was the only safe place to cry, because if Ging saw me crying, he would beat me up, and God knows what he would do to me. I can't run away because I'm scared that he will hurt me and Aunt Mito... Not even vaping is releasing my stress anymore. I've been stressed the entire month, and today doesn't help. I've been feeling the worst today compared to any day. I don't want to go to school with a broken arm or leg or any injury, for that matter. I hate drawing attention to myself, it triggers my anxiety, and with an injury, people will just stare at me. I'm scared that Ging will do that to me, so I listen to him.

I let it all out in a washroom stall. I couldn't hold my cries in. I don't want to do this in front of Killua, I don't want to be a burden to him, being the one more thing to worry about. I'm scared, I don't know what to do anymore.

Then, I hear the washroom door open.

Killua's POV:
I may have sounded mad at Gon, but I'm really worried about him. I feel bad for shouting at him, he was already irritated, and I think I made it worse by shouting at him, who knows what's he's thinking? I heard that Gon wanted to use the washroom, making me worried that he's gonna do something, since he never skips class. I asked Mr. Pouf, our science teacher, if I can use the washroom, he said yes with outscored any thought.

I head to the washroom, and when I open the door, I heard loud cries, and I recognized the shoes, they were Gon's.

"Gon, are you okay? I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to shout at you earlier."

"I-I'm scared, Killua..." He said while he was visibly shaking.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I don't wanna get hurt anymore... B-But I have to follow the bad things he wants me to do so I won't get hurt... Even if I follow him, he still hurts me..."

"Your dad?" He nodded.

"I want to go back to Aunt Mito, but I can't... He'll track me down, and hurt me and Aunt Mito..."

"Gon... I didn't know this was happening to you..."

"Please, don't tell the others, I want this just between the two of us..."

"Your secret is safe with me!"

"Thanks... If I come to school with a broken bone, you know what happened, and who did it..."

"You need to run away from your house."

"I can't. I think he put a tracker on me..."

"Why the- You're not a dog!"

"I don't want to get hurt, but I always get hurt, despite what I do for him. It's so fucking messed up, and I put myself in this situation. I chose to move in with him... I'm so stu-" He cuts himself off with cries into my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around him and drew circles on his back.

"You didn't know how bad your dad was, you were just happy that you got to spend time with your dad, but your dad actually doesn't really love you..."

As soon as I said that, Gon hugged me back.

"Thank you, Killua. I don't know what to do if I didn't meet you. From now on, I'll try to text you whatever he does to me."

"Okay, you should, also text me what you're feeling, I don't want you to feel like you're alone. I also don't want you to beat yourself up about you moving in. You didn't know."

"Let's head back to class, shall we?"


I heard Juniors and Seniors here get dorms, so maybe that's the way the Gon can escape, but no, that's two years away. Should we take him in for a little bit before we give him back to his aunt? No, there's no space in my house. I don't know how to help him... Does he really have to suffer for the next few years?

He went back to class first, so he wouldn't act suspicious to the teacher. However, Gon's cheeks were still puffy from crying.

Gon's POV:
Science class ended. I head out of the classroom, towards my locker. Unexpectedly, I get shoved into some lockers.

"Boo-hoo, you were crying during class, what a fucking baby!" One of the students said.

"I-I-" I stutter, then get cut off.

"You what? Babies are not supposed to be in high school, because babies get this."

He picks me up, then the last thing I remember was getting thrown to the ground and a huge crack sound. After that, everything went blank...

cliffhanger. neehee...

Published: 07/05/21 at 12:16 am edt
Words: 1090 (ik these are short chapters, but hopefully i can make them longer, but i thought cliffhanger here would be best 😃)

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