Chapter 37: The Escape

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Tris and I had been carefully planing our escape. The guards had been in and out, taking Tris to her tests. I hadn't been brought down for any tests, not that I was complaining though.

The plan was that Tris would be taken down for testing and when she returned she would take the keys from the guard. Then we could escape.

As usual, Tris was taken down for testing. I waited for what seemed like 2 hours before I heard footsteps outside my door. As I sat in my room, I heard loud noises coming from outside my room. After a couple minutes, it stopped.

I heard keys rattle and the lock started to unlock. I didn't know if it was Tris, scared it would be my mother. I looked up as the door opened.

"Come on. Nows our chance." Tris said quietly.

I immediately got up and followed Tris. I knew Erudite like the back of my hand but the part we were in, I knew nothing about. Tris started running and I followed behind her. We ran for a long time. It just seemed like a never ending maze. We saw a bright light coming from the left. We ran towards the light thinking we would be able to get out of here but it's only led us back to the testing room. I saw my mother talking with other Erudites. They all looked at us. Tris looked at me and I had a scared expression on my face.

"This way." Tris said leading me back towards the door. As I started to turn, I felt a huge pain in my leg. I immediately fell to the ground. I held my leg in pain. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I turned and saw my mother had a gun in her hand. She shot me. Blood was flowing out of the wound like crazy. Tris noticed and immediately came to help me. The guards started approaching us. "Just go. I'll be fine." I say while holding the wound.

"I can't leave you." Tris says as she presses on the wound to try and help stop the blood from coming out more.

"Tris, just go." I yell as the guards get closer.

Tris simply nods and turns to run in the opposite direction. A few guard start chasing after her, trying to catch her.

I ha tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe I got shot again. And this time it was by the person who I thought cared about me.

Some guards came a picked me up. They carried me to the hospital. I immediately got put through surgery to remove the bullet and to fix the wound. The doctor then wrapped my leg in bandages. He said I would be on crutches for 2 months. I nodded and thanked him. He then left the room, leaving me by myself. I closed my eyes and felt tears falling down my face.

This was the worst day of my life.

I think I cried for about half an hour. Once I calmed myself down, I sat up. I looked down at where I had been shot. I gently placed my hand on the wound. It hurt like hell. I flinched back immediately. I stared up at the white ceiling.

A couple moments later I heard a knock on the door. The doctor walked in.

"Someone's here to see you. Shall I send them in?" He asks.

"Alright." I said, unsure of who it could be.

He left the room and a couple seconds later someone walked into my room.

My eyes widened as I saw my mother.

"Get out. I don't want to see you here." I say angrily.

"Chloe. Please, let me explain." she says softly.

I'm not falling for her shit anymore.

"No. Get out. Now." I say. It hurt me to know that it was my mother who shot me. Out of everyone, the one person who I thought loved me.

I had tears running down my face. I didn't want to see her ever again. I tilted my head down so she couldn't see me cry.

She walked over and lifted my chin. She wiped a tear from my cheek.

"I'm so sorry." she says while embracing me in a hug.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I just sat there blankly not knowing what was happening. I honestly just wanted her out of my room and out of my life.

"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now." I say trying to break the awkwardness.

"Alright. Sleep well." she says.

I lay down and close my eyes. I feel her gently rubbing my forehead. I was just thinking to myself. Just go away.

Eventually I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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