Chapter 18: Meeting up

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I wake up from my peaceful sleep and immediately remember that I'm meeting with Caleb again today. I get out of bed and quickly change into my blue clothes, fix my hair and brush my teeth. I decided to skip breakfast because I wasn't very hungry. I then hurry downstairs and see my mother sitting at the kitchen table writing an article and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Someone's a little anxious today, aren't they?" she asks

"What?" I ask

"You are in quite a hurry aren't you?" she asks

"Oh um not really." I lie

My mother gets up and fixes my labcoat. After, we head out to the wait for the driver to come pick us up. Minutes later our driver Alexander pulls up.

"Morning ladies." he says while opening the door for us

After we get in, we drive off to the compound. When we get there, I immediately open the door and rush outside. My mother stops me from behind.

"Chloe!" my mother shouts

I stop and turn around to face my mother. She walks towards me and stands in front of me.

"Are you meeting someone?" she asks

"Um no why?" I lie

"Because you're never in such a hurry to get here." she says

"Oh I'm uh just going to do something." I say nervously

"And what would that be?" she asks with a fake smile

"I just have to go to the library." I say

"Oh okay. Any big plans?" she asks curiously

"Oh, no. I'm just going to find something." I say

"Okay. Well I'll meet you back here at the end of the day." she says

"Okay." I say

I walk up the stairs as my mother meets some Erudite in the lobby. I open the doors to the library and look around. I look to the spot that Caleb told me he would meet me in. Sure enough, he was right there. I walk over to him and he immediately see's me.

"Hey Chloe." he says

"Hey." I say

"How are you?" he asks politly

"Pretty good, hbu?" I ask

"Oh, can't complain." he says

"Do you by any chance have a sister?" I ask

"Yes." he responds

"Is her name Beatrice?" I ask

"Yea, do you know her?" he asks

"No, I heard my mom talking to a Dauntless leader about her." I say

"What were they saying?" he asks

"I don't know. I just heard the Dauntless man bring up her name." I say

"Oh, well thanks for telling me." he says

"I'll let you know if I hear anything else." I say

"Thanks." he says while embracing me in a hug

"You want to walk to lunch with me?" he asks

"Sure." I say simply while smiling

He locks his fingers with mine and we start to walk to lunch together. On the way I see my mother surrounded with some Erudite. She see's me and immediately walks towards me.

"Chloe." she says

"Oh hi." I say as if I just noticed her

"What are you up to?" she asks

"Just walking to get some lunch." I say

"And who's you're friend?" she asks while smiling

"This is Caleb." I say

"Hmmm." she says while smiling

"It's a pleasure to meet you." he says while extending his hand to shake hers

She shakes his hand and gives him a smile.

"Well I'll let you two head of to lunch." she says

"Goodbye." says Caleb

My mother gives us a smile before turning around and walking back towards the group of Erudite. Caleb and I continue walking to lunch.

"You're mom's really nice." he says

I give him a fake smile.

"Do you miss you're parents?" I ask him

"Yea, I thought one of them would come visit me on visiting day but none of them did. My mom went to go see my sister instead." he says

"Oh." I say

Once we reach the lunch area, Caleb offers to get me some lunch while I go find a seat. I find a seat and Caleb then comes with our food. He hands me my food and I thank him. We eat our food and just talk about life. After were done our food, Caleb walks with me to the computer rooms. We stay with each other for the rest of the day until I have to go home. He walks me into the lobby and then gives me a hug. He plants a small kiss on my cheek before leaving to go to his room. I wait for my mother and once she meets me, we leave to go home.

Once we get home, my mother goes to prepare dinner, while I go upstairs to work on my project. About 20 minutes later, she call me downstairs for dinner. We are both seated at thr table and we start eating.

"So that's who you were in a hurry to see." she says

"Oh um, I just was meeting him." I say

She gives me a smile and we continue eating our food. She's acting too nice and whenever she acts nice, somethings bound to happen.

After dinner, I help clean up and then go back upstairs to work on my project. An hour later, my mother enters my room and tells me she needs to talk to me. I sit on my bed next to her and she puts her hand on top of mine.

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"No, I just wanted to have a little talk with you." she says

"About what?" I ask

"Nothing in particular." she says

"Ok?" I say sounding more like a question

"Look, just know that I'm sorry about all that's happened lately." she says

I can't believe she's actually apoligizing, she always does things because she thinks she right.

I accept her apology and them she gives me a hug.

"Well you should get to bed now." she says

"Alright." I say while embracing her in one more hug

After, I get changed into my pyjamas and brush my teeth. I then slip into bed and my mother turns off the lights and I drift of to sleep.

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