Chapter 35: Taken

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When I woke up, I was immediately blinded by a bright light. I didn't wake up in the spot I fell asleep in yesterday. I was in a giant glass box. There was no door inside, just a view of the outside of the box. I wasn't laying down either, I was standing up. I looked past the bright lights and outside. Standing outside of the box was... MY MOTHER.

She had a very unpleasant look upon her face. She was almost scowling. She looked up at me and then back down at the iPad that she was holding.

"Whats going on?" I asked through the glass

She didn't answer me and continued to type something into her iPad.

"Can you please answer me?" I asked again

Again, no response.

I looked to my right and saw a tiny box on a pedestal. It had all five faction symbols on it. There were tiny blue lights that were flashing on it. I wondered what was going to happen.

My mother was standing in the middle of the room and was looking into the glass box I was standing in.

"What am I doing here?" I ask her

She didn't answer me. She then pressed a button on her iPad and some tubes came out of the ceiling. They started moving towards me. I tried to move away but they kept following me. They inched down towards me and jabbed me in the back. I tried to pull away from them but they stayed put.

"What are these?" I asked my mother who was still typing on her iPad

I just decided to stop trying. It was obvious that she wouldn't tell me anything.

Just then, my mom pressed a button on the keypad of her iPad and the tubes started lifting me off the ground. I tried my best to try to stay grounded but eventually the tubes had fully lifted me off the ground. Moments later, I was being held up by the tubes and I couldn't get down.

"Please! Let me down." I beg. The tubes were hurting me so much. I was starting to loose feeling in my body.

Of course my mother didn't listen and continued on with what she was doing.

My body started to go numb and I started to lose feeling in all parts of my body. Eventually I lost all feeling in my body and my arms and legs were dangling. Some guards came into the room and took me down from the tubes.

"Put her in her room." my mother ordered the guards

They listened to her and took me out of the room. Once they arrived at the room, they set me down on the bed and left the room, leaving me with a numb body.

I tried to move my arms and legs but I had no success. It felt like all my energy had been drained from my body and there was nothing left.

A little while later, the door started to open. I honestly didn't care who was at the door.

The figure walked in and stood right beside my bed. My mother.

"Chloe." she said simply

"What do you want?" I say rudely

"Watch your tone young lady." she warns me

"What did you do to me?" I asked her. My body was still numb but I got a little bit of energy back.

"I see no reason to provide you with that information." my mom says to me

"Okay. God. I was just asking a question." I say while I turned my head to face her.

"Can you please just answer one thing for me?" I ask quietly

"Very well." she responds

"Why are you doing this." I ask her. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm just doing my job. It's my responsibility to ensure that the city is kept safe and that we maintain the peace." she said

I turned my head back up to the ceiling and a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek.

"I'll be back later." she says and turns towards the door.

I continue staring at the ceiling until she left. She closed the door behind her and left me laying there.

Tears immediately started flowing from my eyes and I couldn't hold back my tears. After a lot of tears, my eyes started to get tired. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep.

It took a long time for me to fall asleep but eventually I finally fell asleep.

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