Chapter 25: Recovery

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I opened my eyes and immediately am blinded by a very bright light. I hear monitors beeping around me. I try to move my body but I can't.

"Someone's awake." I hear a familiar voice say. My mother

I turn my head slightly and see that I'm at the medical center.

"What happened?" I ask

"You don't remember?" she asks

"Um no." I say confused

"You were shot in the shoulder and blacked out from all the blood loss." she says

I remember it all now. I was trying to stop my mother from killing the remainder of the Abnegation and I got hit in the shoulder.

"My shoulder hurts." I say

"It should hurt for a couple days, even weeks." she says

"WEEKS?!" I say

"You have to give your shoulder time to heal." she said

I move my head so I'm more comfortable.

"The doctor said you will be allowed to leave tomorrow but you will have to wear a sling and you can't move you're arm." my mother says

I was wishing Caleb was here right now. I missed him. I forgot that I didn't tell him what I was doing.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I ask my mother

"I'm taking time off to make sure that you recover in the right way." she says

"When will you go back?" I ask

"When you're all better again." she says

She gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." she says

"It's fine." I say

Well if you mean getting shot in the arm, blacking out from the blood loss and having you watching me like a hawk for the next couple weeks, I thought to myself.

"You should probably get some rest. You're probably pretty weak right now." she says

"Ya, ill get some rest." I say

"Have a good rest." she says and smiles

I close my eyes and feel her rubbing my head. Oh god. This is gonna be a fun next few weeks.

After I'm finished my rest, the doctor helps me up and proceeds to put a sling over my arm.

"Chloe will have to wear this for the next couple weeks." the doctor says

"Thank you for you're help." my mother says to the doctor

Then she guide me out of the medical Centre and towards the lobby. As we reach the lobby, I hear some Erudite's making comments.

"I hope she's going to be ok." says one Erudite to another

"She's so brave." I hear another say

We continue walking towards the entrance when I see Caleb. He rushes towards me.

"I really hope you feel better." he says

"Thanks." I say while giving him a kiss

I walk towards the exit and my mother comforts me on the back. Alexander was waiting outside for us.

He opened the door for me and helped me into the car.

"I hope you get better soon." he says

"Thanks." I say and give a little smile

We drive off from the compound and towards the house.

Once we get to the house, Alexander helps me out of the car. My mother thanks him and walks towards the front door. She unlocks the door and we head inside.

"What do you feel like for dinner?" She asks

"Anythings fine." I say

She gives me a smile and walks into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

I walk up stairs to my room and close the door behind me. I turn on the TV and search through the guide for something to watch. Once I find something, I continue watching it until dinners ready. Once dinner was ready, my mother brought my dinner upstairs for me. After I was finished, I took my plate and took it to the kitchen. As I was walking down the stairs, my luck, I tripped over my foot and fell down the stairs. I then landed at the bottom for the stairs. The plate was only plastic so it didn't break. My mother must have heard me fall because she immediately came to see what happened.

"Chloe. Are you alright? What happened?" she asked

"Yea. I'm fine. I just fell down the stairs." I say

"Are you alright? Did you hurt your shoulder?" she asked

"No I didn't hurt it. It just hurts from before." I say

She helps me up and takes my plate.

"You're going to need to take it easy." she says

"Ok." I say like I don't already know

My mother goes and places the plate in the sink. She then comes back and helps me walk up the stairs. I needed to take a shower so she put a plastic bag over my sling and I got into the shower. After I was done, I got changed into my pyjamas, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then got into my bed and layed down so I was comfortable. My mother walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"Sleep well." she says

"Thanks." I say

"Just call me if you need something." she says

"Alright." I say

She then gives me a kiss on my head and turns out the lights while leaving the room. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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