Chapter 36: Just my luck

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I was laying in my cell at Erudite. It had felt like I had been her for years. I got so bored. My mother hadn't talked to me at all. No one had come by. I know I had to get out of here. I needed to think of a way to get out.

As I was thinking of ways to get out, I heard guards outside of my door.

"Get her into the room." I heard one guard shout.

I then heard a loud scream, a girls scream. I heard the door next to mine lock, then the guards voices started to fade as they walked away. I then heard more voices coming down the hall. I immediately realized that it was my mother. She was talking about a new Divergent that they had just caught.

"Beatrice Prior is the strongest Divergent. She needs to be eliminated." My mother says to one of he lackeys.

They then walk past the rooms and towards the other direction.

It's Tris. Caleb's sister. She would surely know how to get out of here. I noticed there was a vent on the wall. I quickly ran over to the vent.

"Tris, tris. It's me, Chloe." I said hoping she would hear me.

It was silent for a minute but then I heard a rattling noise.

"Chloe. What are you doing here?" Tris asks me.

"I'm not exactly sure. Why are you here?" I ask her.

"I surrendered myself to save my boyfriend and my friends back at Dauntless." she says.

Just then the door handle to my room started rattling. I immediately turned and leaned against the wall trying to act normal.

My mother walked in by herself and closed the door behind her. She had an evil glare on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asks with anger in her voice.

"Nothing." I say quietly.

"Don't lie to me." She says while crossing her arms. She was never this mean.

"I'm not lieing. I'm not doing anything." I say.

She scours her eyes at me.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"Your behavior is inexcusable. You need to be taught a lesson." she says.

"I didn't do anything though." I say.

She has an emotionless expression on her face.

I lower my head and closed my eyes hoping this would all just stop. I can feel my mom staring down at me. A tear escapes my cheek and moment later, I have tears flowing unconditionally down my cheek.

A couple minutes later, I hear my moms heel walking in the opposite direction. She leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

Once I'm settled down, I start planing my escape with Tris. We had made a plan and now we just had to wait for the perfect time.

Jeanine Matthews daughter [Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now