Chapter 20: First Date

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I had woken up to the sound of my computer receiving a message. I got out of bed and went to check the message. It was from Caleb.

Caleb: hey babe. I can't wait to see you today.

I immediately replied back.

Chloe: hey! Can't wait ♥

Caleb: Meet me in the park around 11:30?

Chloe: I'll see you then! ♥ love you

Caleb: Alright! Love you too ♥

After replying to the messages, I shut my laptop and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I made some pancakes. I happily ate my breakfast. After I was finished eating, I went back upstairs to go get changed. I made sure I looked good for my date with Caleb. I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to watch a movie until I had to leave. I didn't bother telling my mom about my date with Caleb.

When it was time to go, I quietly walked down the stairs and towards the front door. My mother wasn't anywhere to be found so I supposed she went to work or something. She didn't leave a note or anything though, which I thought was very strange. I walked to the park which was only 5 minutes away from my house. Once I got to the park, I looked around for Caleb. I saw him and walked over to where he was. He had a picnic blanket and an array of foods prepared.

"Caleb, this is amazing." I say

He smiles. "Thanks." he says

He motions for me to sit down and he then offers me some food. The food was delicious. I thanked him for the food once I was done.

After we were done, he packed up and we went for a walk. We walked around for about 45 minutes, just talking about random things. After we were done, he walked me home. I offered for him to come in, but he said he had things to take care of. I thanked him for the amazing night and he gave me a hug and kiss before he left.

I closed the door and walked into the enterence. It didn't seem like anybody lived here, it was so quiet. My mother was no where to be found. I wondered where she could be. I just decided to wait and see of she would come home. I waited for a couple hours and there was still no sigh of her. I got really concerned. Even though she's done a lot of horrible things, I still missed her.

It was now midnight and she hadn't returned yet. I didn't feel like I could stay up any longer. I got ready for bed and I fell asleep immediately.

----------------------------------------------Hey guys! Sorry for the really bad and short chapter. I decided that I would just make this a filler chapter for the next chapter. I promise they will get better! Also, I just wanted to say thanks so much for 1.6K reads and everyone who voted for their favourite chapter! I can't believe that you guys like this story so much! Comment any ideas that you want to be added! Keep reading!

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