Chapter 30 (Part 1): It takes time

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It was about 9am when I woke up. I had my surgery today and I was dreading the thought of it. I was terrified. What would happen if something went wrong? I tried to block out all the bad images of what could happen. I took a shower, got dressed and blow dried my hair.

After I was done, I went downstairs and got some breakfast. My mom came down when I was getting my cereal.

"Morning." she says

"Morning." I repeat

"Are you ready for you're surgery?" she asks

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say

I know she's trying to make me feel comfortable about it but I couldn't calm down about it.

After I'm done my cereal, I go upstairs and brush my teeth. I then go downstairs and get into the car. We drive off to the compound immediately. Once we arrive at the compound, I get out and walk in. I walk towards the direction of the medical centre with my mom. We get to the medical centre and I sit down on one of the chairs while my mom talks to the lady at the front desk. My mom comes to sit next to me.

Ten minutes later

A doctor in a blue coat comes out.

"Chloe Matthews." he asks looking around

I get up from the chair so he can see me.

"I'll take you for you're surgery now." he says

I follow him from the waiting room into a hospital room. I change into a hospital gown and lay down on one of the beds. A nurse then comes in and wheels me down to the surgery room.

"We are going to inject you with some medicine that will knock you out until the surgery is finished." the doctor says

"Ok." is all I can say

I feel a needle injected into my neck and the liquid being injected into my body. Seconds later, I start feeling really tired and close my eyes. That's the last I can remember.

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