Chapter 15: New beginning

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I watched from my seat on the stage as all the Amity gathered in the green house. Johanna then walked on stage once everyone was seated. She began to speak.

"Welcome everyone. We are gathered here today to welcome the newest member. Even though she has chosen her original faction as Erudite, each faction has permission to allow one transfer after each Choosing Ceremony. We will now hear from our newest transfer, Chloe Matthews." Johanna says

I slowly get out of my seat and walk up to the microphone at the end of the stage. I start to speak as the Amity listen with open ears.

"I would like personally thank everyone, especially you're incredibly wonderful leader for allowing me to join. I have had a very tough decision and decided that this was the best choice for me. Thank you for you're consideration." I say while backing away from the microphone. All the Amity members start clapping and cheering.

Johanna said one final thing before the conclusion of the meeting.

"Now we will all make Chloe feel comfortable and at home. This concludes our meeting, thank you all." says Johanna

The Amity members start to clear out of the greenhouse. I catch Alexandra at the end of the meeting.

"Hey Alexandra." I say while catching up to her

"Oh hey Chloe. Johanna told me to wait for you and show you you're new room." Alexandra says

"Oh thanks. I must thank her personally." I say

"Oh haha, Johanna will do anything to maintain peace." Alexandra says

We both start giggling at the same time. I follow Alexandra out of the greenhouse and towards the rooms. We walked and talked for a couple of minutes before reaching the rooms. Alexandra leaded me towards my room and by coincidence, it was right beside hers. She showed me my new room and wardrobe.

"So you're clothes are over in the closet and you're bathroom is just in the next room." she says

"Thank you so much. You know, you're the first person here that was kind to me." I say

"Oh anytime. Well I'll let you get changed and get settled in." she says

"Thanks." I say while embracing her in a hug

After we're done hugging, she leaves and closes the door. I walk over to the closet and open it up, revealing orange and yellow clothes. I take a deep breath and take the clothes out of the closet. I get changed out of my Erudite clothes and into my Amity clothes. It started to get late so I decided to get ready for bed. After I was done getting ready for bed, I got into bed and fell asleep.

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