"I lost someone very important to me."

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Over the next two years, Hope's routine was like clockwork.  She would go food shopping once every month, it used to be twice a month but she got too many suspicious glances and the occasional, "You look just like that woman Hope van Dyne." So she decided to lay low. She trained daily in her Wasp suit, but she spent most of the day at the VANISHED graveyard. 

She sat in front of the stone that Scott and her father's name were on. That was the closest she could be to them now. She wished that she could be with Scott just one more time. 

She wished she could tell him... 

There weren't many people in the cemetery, just the same people coming to mourn. There were rarely any tourists, but on this particular day, something just felt different. 

Out of nowhere, a man ran down the hill and started scanning the memorial stones. 

For some reason, Hope felt drawn to him, like she knew him. 

She couldn't see his face because he had a hood on, but she went closer. It was obvious he was looking for a name and couldn't find it. Until he stopped at the one that Hope always looked at. 

"No, no, no....." He said with panic in his voice. 

Hope knew that voice, but she thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her. 

Then she saw the name he was staring at. 

It was her's. 

Suddenly he ran up the road on a route that Hope knew all too well. The hospital. As he ran, his hood fell off and she could see his face. She just stood there watching him run. 

Had she just seen a ghost? 

She shrunk and flew after him. 

(She had her suit on under her clothes.) 

She couldn't believe it, after two years of mourning, Scott was actually there? 

She followed him for another mile, and she couldn't wait to see him. But then the voice that had visited her so long ago returned. 

"Do you still think that he loves you?" The voice asked. 

"Yes," Hope said firmly. 

"Then why is he here now, it's been two years." 

"I'm sure he has a reason." She said, wanting the voice to shut up. 

"A reason for what, leaving you, leaving you to think he was dead." 

Hope stopped mid-air. She tried to block out what it said, because the last time she listened to it, she went into a two-month-long coma. 

Sadly, some part of her believed it.

 She did follow him but decided to watch him from a distance. Not making her presence known. 

Scott ran to the front desk, startling the receptionist. "Did Hope van Dyne ever get discharged?" 

The lady typed Hope's name into the computer and frowned. "It says here that she died in a coma two years ago." She said. 

Scott's heart stopped. She was gone. 

"Wait did you say two years ago?" 

"Yeah, we don't know if she died from the coma or the blip, Thanos killed the only other people in her room." She said and then went back to work. 

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