Seventy Three | Falcon, The Winter Soldier, Captain America, & La Sirena

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Tugging along and sneaking around the current most wanted person in the whole world was as difficult as it sounds. And while (y/n) and Steve sneaked their way around to get escape rides, that left Sam and Bucky together in the warehouse, watching for extra activity outside with abandoned binoculars Sam found.

Bucky rolls his left shoulder as he approaches the laser-focused man quietly, shoulders slumped down and tired eyes following the direction of where Sam's binoculars were pointing at. He could make out the figures, a few number of bikes and a tiny Volkswagen; he would know the shape of (y/n)'s body and that tuff of blond hair from anywhere. "Do we need to do anything?"

"What we need right now is patience." Sam responded curtly, turning away from the empty space of where a tall glass window would have been if they had finished construction. Bucky glares at Sam. Sam smirks to himself as Bucky follows him anyway.

"So you're just gonna stay here and what, babysit me?"

"Unfortunately for the both of us, yes."

Bucky purses his lips together in a thin line, poking his tongue out for a split second to wet his dry lips. Sam stops and turns to Bucky, obviously sensing the slight shift in the air, the discomfort radiating off him. "What are Stevie and (y/n) even doing? They don't need no backup, no nothing?"

It's been a while since he was with a team... with anyone, really, and the fact that this was practically an escape mission and he was doing nothing felt... wrong. Usually he'd be given his orders and the most useless one would be an in-and-out elimination... not actually useless to the Winter Soldier. Bucky needed to do something. He wasn't used to having things done for or without him.

Sam paused all occurring actions and turns his head, a smirk curved on his lips and a small dip in his brow, the other raised suggestively high. It isn't until the nickname slips out of Sam's own mouth when Bucky realizes what he's done. "Stevie?"

Bucky glares at him before walking away. Sam smirks before looking out to see (y/n) and Steve walk away together, waving to the old man who willingly gave away the vehicle keys to them. Bucky sits back next to the industrial vice, staring at his hands in sync, the metal plates whirring as he flexed them. Sam stands a fair distance away from him and crosses his arms, listening for the rumble of the Volkswagen the duo 'borrowed'.


Bucky shot him a murderous glare.

"Hey, stop arguing." (y/n) strolls in, the little heel of her boots making a satisfying sound of power as she stands in the middle of their staring contest, holding up the keys to the presumably old Volkswagen Sam and Bucky had seen them earlier in. Bucky sends the woman a look, a quick translation of thought passing through her head. "Steve's outside," she assures him. Sam sends her a glance. "By the way," (y/n) adds quickly, a useless attempt of covering up a telepathic conversation. "He'll be in by a sec."

"You mean Stevie will be in by a sec?" Sam teased as Bucky stands up, a low growl rumbling from within his chest, causing Sam to get behind the soft smiled woman as she pulls out a laptop from her bag. "Laptop? Geez, your powers have all the advantages. I'm starting to think we might come out of all this smoothly."

"Mmm... knowing is boring. Taking advantage of something is even worse," she says quietly as she pulls out a SHIELD flashdrive, handing it to Sam and stepping back from the laptop to give Sam his space to work. "Its a gut feeling, something's coming up Sammy..." (y/n) takes in a shallow breath. "I had to have Steve give out an order... there were passerby's and the guy was eighty four years old... he visited his wife, poor guy shouldn't have even be driving that old thing, it was too much information to process."

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