Seventy Seven | T-R-U-S-T Is A Five Letter Word

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Mothers. You gotta love 'em. Especially if they're Lisa Evans and Gigi Orlovschi on an early Saturday morning with nearly warm enough Tupperwares of breakfast food.

Any mother who uses food as an excuse to see you are master strategists, and that's a fact. It doesn't matter if it's overused, they get what they want in the end unknowingly and that terrifies the hell outta me. But it makes sense cause they're mothers, that's practically their job.

It is also a tell sign that they either know something or want something. Like the truth or just wanting to see you. There's no in between. That's just, from my experience, how mothers work, especially when your mother is the loving, Mama Bear kind.

"This isn't considered breaking in if your sons live here right?" Lisa asked as she steps into the darkened household, pulling the key from the keyhole and looking around the place.

They've been the house only one time and they've spent the whole time outside on the patio, in the kitchen and in the living room. They didn't go upstairs to respect the privacy of their homes. A few days later, they miss their sons.

"I mean, (y/n) gave me the keys so it's not really breaking in." Gigi shrugged, pressing a button on her keys that locked the car they brought with them. They continue walking towards the kitchen to set down their things on the dining table.

"Carter gave you the key replicate, which you begged for because you wanted to see Sebastian." she teased.

"Oh stop it, you missed Chris just as much as I missed Sebastian," she tutted. "Plus, Sebastian's my only baby, you'd blame me for that?"

As Gigi turns around, leaning back into the counter, she notices all the curtains are closed. She walks towards the living room and pulls them open, letting daylight lighten up the house. Then she hears a low groan. She blinks, starring at the lump of blankets on the couch, watching as the sheets shifted slowly, a quiet muffled rustle coming from it as well.

"Lisa..?" she called out, quietly stepping around the couch to get back into the kitchen. When the older blonde woman gives no response, Gigi starts to whisper yell. "Lisa..! There's a woman on the couch."

"Yes... fully wrapped in a blanket like a fine burrito..." Lisa started off slowly, tilting her head at the person lying on the couch as she walked close, taking her spot besides the brunette. "How'd you know it's a woman?"

Gigi pointed to the heels by the foot of the couch, chuckling softly. "Discarded heels by the couch. (y/n) used to do that all the time in New York when she came home drunk. Apparently, a lot of women do that when drunk, I thought she got it from me and (m/n)."

"But you don't drink..."

"... (m/n) then."

"Yeah... the full time nurse who should probably start retirin' her ass down and start visiting her kid more often." Lisa takes a good look at the pile of blankets, seeing a hand peek from under it and a familiar mix-match bead bracelet wrapped around the wrist, similar to the one on her own wrist. She tilts her head. "Does that not actually look like (m/n)'s kid?"

"In case you're forgetting, I helped raise (m/n)'s kid, I'd know if it was," Gigi teased, mimicking Lisa's accent at her last words, causing Lisa to playfully roll her eyes. "Besides, (y/n) wouldn't sleep in her own couch, in a house she recently just got. Especially not in a three bedroom house, Carter made sure to get a spacious layout..."

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