Eighty-Four | How To Make It Home

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If you were given a choice, you would have rather waited for Octavia in Georgia for another two days than fly solo back to New York. Since Chris and Sebastian were given the clear to fly out together, you were left to travel back by yourself. Allen informed you that you had to make a pap appearance, something about keeping people engaged and updated, and also because you had to put out fiery rumors of you being engaged, which led to this moment. The paparazzi had been monitoring you closer than ever, so it's a good thing Allen knows how to move the right pieces.

If you showed up with any male co-star of yours, let alone any male friend or family relative you had, chances of being slut-shamed were too risky to have you tweaking your way around Allen's 'safety measures', as you playfully call it.

"Alright folks, we have just been given the clear to land at Westover Airport. Please make sure that your seatbelts are fastened. Our lovely flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you."

You look up at the little speakers above your head, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. You look down at your phone to see a few hours had already passed and you had arrived at your destination in a literal blink of an eye.

You look over and flag down a flight attendant, smiling apologetically as she approached you with a smile she had been wearing the whole flight. "Hi, I don't know if I misheard the captain, but we're landing in Westover?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Not... not Westchester?" you asked quietly as the flight attendant stared back at you confusingly, bending down to hear you properly. "Westchester, New York?"

"Are you alright miss?"

Yup, you were screwed. You didn't book the tickets and you don't have your glasses. The words you attempt to read are blurry as fuck, and you don't even have clean contact lenses on you, you should've just asked Sebastian to bring you a cleaning solution when he flew out to Georgia.

"Um... glasses..." you mutter while fishing out your ticket from your carry-on, and just as you expected, blurry as fuck. But it wouldn't take a half-blind person to know the words New York and Boston were different... that was a lie, but you could make out a B and you were pretty sure Westover was a Boston airport.

"I did not book my flight so I don't think I made things clear... we are in Boston, right?"

"Yes ma'am." she nodded her head, looking over to a passing flight attendant, obviously mouthing something at her. "If you'd like, we could always assist you in booking the earliest available flight to New York?"

"Please, I don't know what happened. My brother's picking me up and I have to contact so many people..." you mutter. You know who booked your flight, but you also knew that Chris' booked two tickets to New York. Wait...

"It's common procedure. Just contact your PR manager."


She looked around before lowering her voice, checking if all the overhead compartments were secure and locked in. "Sometimes PR managers send celebrities to different locations to avoid pap."

"I, uh..." your face grows warm in embarrassment. You didn't even realize she recognized you, you haven't flown solo for a long time, you were always with somebody nowadays. It was very professional of her to lower her voice, the whole flight had made you forget your current job. Speaking of your current job... "There won't be pap within this airport?"

"Westover security is very careful, but they usually keep them on standby outside premises."

"Calling all cabin crew and flight attendants, please take your seats and prepare for landing. Thank you."

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