Eighty-Three | This Love Is Real, Raw, and Purely Just You

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Filming comes around quick enough after that, finally meeting Chris's claimed to be favorite co-star, little miss McKenna Grace; your last scene in your film finally ends dramatically with your character going through a miscarriage, and Ian ends up holding you throughout all the ending minutes. It's quick and bittersweet, just like your coffee this morning.

You were packing up your things from your hotel room. Earlier this morning, the room was soiled with the few clothes from set scattered on the soft carpeted floor, the belly prop you've practically lived with for the whole month now settling on the desk adjacent to the bed you slept in the past week, the prop team requested to be left there for the wardrobe department to collect later on.

A text message Chris just a few minutes ago would be picking you up soon; a text message left five minutes ago before he started driving off to the hotel you were staying at informing you how ecstatic he was to go home finally. You had just finished zipping up your luggage when a knock had you pausing abruptly.

Deciding to respond to the continuous rapping, you stand up, leaving the bag at the edge of your bed. You keep a fair enough distance between you and the door until you realize it wasn't locked.

Without thinking, you lunge forward and push the lock on the door, visibly wincing at its sound, alerting both you and the person on the other side of the door that you had just successfully locked it.

"...who is it?"

"Wouldn't you want to know?" the disembodied voice teases through the door, causing you to laugh out of familiarity.

"I thought you just left?"

"Too excited. I just wanna go home, eat, and cuddle with my two favorite people after Ma," he drawled out tiredly, pulling another laugh out of you. "I'm exhausted."

"Well, luckily for you," you trailed off, reaching over to pull the door open, giving Chris enough space to fit the hotel room's little hallway between the bathroom and the tiny walk-in closet. "I'm almost done."

"And then we can leave in the next minute?"

You pull your lips into a thin line, looking back at all the other things you had still scattered around the place. "Give me two minutes..." you slowly hold up two fingers in front of him. After staring at your fingers for three seconds too long, Chris blinks, a slightly expectant look on his face. "And, maybe, a helping hand."

"There it is."

You grinned, placing a kiss on his jaw before turning back to face the rest of the clutter, shoving it all in your carry-on while Chris packs away the rest in his bag, which surprisingly didn't have much in than you had expected.

While you were grabbing your facemask in your go-to bag on the floor, you noticed your phone vibrating, the home screen lightening up the few toiletries and the walls of your bag. Your mom's saved contact name is flashing on the upper part of your screen. You swipe the screen to answer her, sitting back on the heels of your sneakers.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hey, sweetheart. Just checking in on you."

"Oh, Chris and I were just about to leave," you tell her, looking over the bed to look at Chris, who was already dragging your luggage bags to the door.

"Well, everyone just arrived. We're all so excited to see you."

Your eyes widen at her sudden excitement, scrambling back up on the bed and accidentally pulling the covers down. "No, no, Mom, MOM," you whisper-yelled. "As much as I love to see all of you as soon as we step foot in New York, we can't. I don't want the pap up all in our life."

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