I. Amnesia

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The girls now^>

Mahogany POV

I woke up in a room. An unfamiliar room. I couldn't remember a lot of things but I could remember most.

The walls were white and I realized I was in a hospital. I had an IV in my arm and someone was holding my hand. I looked over and saw Sierra.

She looked different. Her hair was black but she had blonde ombré. It was shorter to, about shoulder length. I couldn't speak so I squeezed her hand. Her head shot up and her eyes went wide.

She pressed a button and a bunch of nurses came in. She left the room and a bunch of nurses started talking to me, pressing buttons and saying medical stuff.

"Mahogany, Can you speak" a nurse asked me. I let out a small yes and she nodded. After an interview of questions all the nurses left but one. She just wanted to stay to talk.

"Hi. My name is Anna, and I'm gonna be your nurse. So I am going to ask you a couple of questions" I nodded and she looked down at her clipboard.

She asked me a bunch of questions and I answered most of them. "Do you have any questions" she asked standing up.

"Yes why the hell am I here and what happened" she looked at Sierra and then back at me. "And where is Calum and Luke and Michael and Ashton?Why aren't we in the supernatural world? Who's running the supernatural world if I'm not their? Why am I on earth?-"

"Mahogany honey. Your not supernatural." She told me and I looked over at Sierra and she gave me wide eyes. "And I'm pretty sure you don't know 5 seconds of summer personally" she said laughing. I gave her a look saying I didn't understand.

"What's 5 seconds of summer? And what kind of person would want 5 seconds of summer?" I asked and she looked shocked. "They are the best band ever! They're basically everything you'd want in men. How do you know all there names but not know the band?"

"Well they're my best friends and Calum and me had a weird relationship. It was on and off but we weren't really official. We hate each other now." I explained and she laughed. "How come I've never heard of you?" She breathe out. "Because. You don't have to know everything do you? No. Right. Just because they're in a band doesn't mean you have to know every last detail about them and know what they're doing 24/7." She scoffed and rolled her eyes walking out.

"Mahogany, what were you talking about. Your not supernatural" Sierra said sitting next to me. "Yes I am and so are you" I could feel it. When your supernatural you have a feeling and you know that you are. The feeling doesn't go away, it's almost like love but not as strong.

"Your crazy," she said and I shook my head. I know I'm supernatural. "What happened and why am I in a hospital"she looked down and then back up at me. "Uh you were in a plane crash on the way to see Louis in London and your mum and dad are in critical condition." She explained. Wait they're alive?

"When can I leave?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "Do you have clothes for me" she shook her head and pointed to a bag. I grabbed the clothes and changed. "We are leaving" I said grabbing her arm and walking out the door. "But what about, you just came out a 8 month coma you can't just leave." She said struggled to get out my grip.

"I don't care, I'm powerful and immortal. I don't need this worthless help" I said walking out the doors. Not one nurse noticed or cared. That's the society we live in.

"Where are we?" I asked trying to remember my surroundings. "Health Strong memorial hospital on Sydney Road" I knew exactly where I was. "Come on we're going home" I pulled her along and we made it to the front of the familiar home. "Is Caroline home" I asked knocking on the door. She nodded and Caroline opened the door and when she saw me her eyes went wide.

"I thought you were in a coma" she said still amused. "I'm to powerful for this, and you know that" I said pushing past her. "Where are you going?" "To Calum's room diphead" I shouted. I opened the door to his room and nothing was there. It was an empty room. But in my mind it was all there.

"Mahogany, your still obsessed with 5 seconds of summer after 8 months in a coma" Caroline said and I turned to see her and Sierra standing there.

"I don't know what that is and I'm not obsessed with them. Those were my best friends and Even though I hate Calum he's still important" I reported and they looked at each other.

"You know your supernatural, don't hide it. You know I'm not crazy but I am insane." "I don't get it" "then I'll explain it to you"

•after all the explaining and stuff•

We were walking down the street and to a cafe. "Okay so great news guys,you know 5 seconds of summer?" no. "Well I got three front row tickets to there concert and meet and greet passes!" Caroline jumped up and down in excitement along with Sierra.

I just looked at them along with others.

"Oh my gosh Mahogany did you wake up with Amnesia? You loved 5SOS" Caroline said confused as of why I wasn't joining them.

"Why would I let a band ruin my life. I'd basically be leaving reality instead of facing it. Isn't that how a fan see's things. They know everything about that person and love them unconditionally, but in their idols eyes their just another stranger in the crowd. Like if you were in a fandom before they blew up, you would be able to connect with them but once they blew up you would be close as strangers."

"That was deep, like deeper than Ashton's dimples" And my moment was ruined. "Who cares! We're going to see 5 Seconds of freaking summer!"

"Yay!" But I really was dreading to go see my best friends. And the person who ruined my life.

That was short. BUT IM BACK PANCAKEZ!

Yeah I've finally come back from the dead. I haven't updated in like weeks. I was dead for like a day because I had this nose bleed and it was my first nose bleed ever. So here's what happened I was sick and my nose was stopped up. So I blew my nose. I apparently blew way to hard because my nose was gushing out blood. It was all over the bathroom and my hands and I was being weird so I went to my mum and was like. "I just murder my brother" and she freaked out and crap. And my nose was hurting . And I was dying. So I ate some food and then wrote the updates.

These are usually previously written so yeah :) WUV YOU

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Oh btw my name is Mya

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