Chapter 7

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A/N the beginning a non sense. It didn't even make since when I read it back. I'm messed up and it gets better.
Enjoy 😊

Mahogany POV

I woke up to a sharp pain in my back. I screamed sitting up and waking the boys. " What! What happened?" Luke asked panicked his hair sticking up in all different direction instead of one direction. The pain was getting worse so I did the dumbest thing ever. I ran. I got up and ran towards the forest. The boys were following me but I was faster and they lost me.

I collapse on the ground and my back was in even more pain then before. It was then my whole body. I didn't know what was happening but It wasn't good. My wings were out and resting on my back as laid on the ground. The pain left my body but I couldn't seem to make my wings go back to being unseen. I took this as a chance to leave Earth. I'll be okay. I flew up into the sky. I opened a portal and went through it landing on the concrete. I was in front of the supernatural castle. It's were all supernaturals live. Well not all but a lot do.

I was here to see Indigo. She knew what I should do to stop Beverly from hurting anyone. I knew the reason I had that attack was because of her. I flew over to her shared house with Adam and knocked on the door. When she saw it was me she almost had a heart attack. " MAHOGANY!" " INDIGO" she hugged me and I hugged back. She invited me in and we sat down on the couch.

" What brings you here" I signed and answered." Michael and Ashton know everything and Luke's girlfriend is a demon. She has been messing with me and the girls. She almost turned Caroline into a dark angel" I was cut off by another scream in my head and my vision becoming blurry. I felt myself fall through a portal and onto the grounds of Earth. My wings went back to the way they usually are. Unseen. And I stood up, my head pounding. I couldn't keep my balance and was wobbling towards the house. I'm so glad I landed in the backyard.

I unlocked the backdoor with the 'secret' key. I stumbled into the living room where everyone was. Including Beverly. They all stood up once they saw me. I collapse thinking I was going to fall flat on my face but pair of strong arms kept me from falling. I weakly looked up at Calum and he smiled down at me. I couldn't really keep my balance so he carried me to the couch.

I coughed into my sleeve and lit bits of blood. Ashton noticed and was about to say something but Caroline hushed him. " What happened" Beverly asked 'nicely'. " Oh you know what happened" I snapped at her. " Hey don't be mean to her" Luke said chiming in. " Can it Hemmings" I snapped at him to. " What's wrong with you" Ashton asked. " Could you shut up " he didn't say anything after that and in the Corner of my I saw Beverly smiling. She was doing this to me. She was making me snap at everyone. Wait did she make me fall from the Supernatural world.

"Mahogany hun what's wrong" Cal whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything but I did something that was probably the meanest thing I've done today. I hit Cal in his area,got up and walked off. I couldn't control myself because it seems like I was under a curse.

I heard everyone laugh and Calum groan as I got. " Mahogany!" I stopped in mid step and turned around to face a very upset Luke. Beverly behind him. "What was that" I turned back around and continued walking to my room.

I sat on my bed cross legged and got out my phone. Luke and Beverly came in and shut the door. I didn't look up at them and continued on Twitter. " Mahogany what the heck is wrong with you" I didn't wanna talk to him or her so I didn't answer. " Mahogany! Just because I know that your supernatural doesn't mean you have the right to go disappear and then come Home and snap at everyone" Luke shouted. I instantly got angry and stood up. " The reason I disappeared is because of your girlfriend" the both gasped and I rolled my eyes. "Mahogany! That's rude" Luke defended. " Well news flash your girlfriend is a Demon and works for the dark lord" I said while smirking. She glared at me and I smiled. Luke looked at her in shock and stepped back. " babe no it's not what you think" she said stepping towards him only to have him back up behind me. " You work for the Dark Lord you're a threat to supernaturals and their acquaintances" I said stepping forward. She growled and tackled me down.

Her eyes were black and her wings were out. I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall. She punched me in the jaw and I flew into the wall on the opposite side of the room. She came towards me and I yanked her down by her wings. Then I grabbed the palladium blade underneath my bed and stabbed her with it.

She screamed in pain as it burned her. I'm put the blade back where it was and watched as she disintegrated. " Come on Luke" I said and we walked out. We made it down stairs and everyone was gathered around in a circle. They were playing truth or dare and we joined the circle. I sat in next to Cal and he huffed and looked away. I signed and ignored it.

"Cal truth or dare" Caroline asked. "Dare" "Do Seven Minutes in Heaven with Mahogany" both our eyes went wide and I shook my head. "Nope you have to do it now go in the closet" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the closet. The closet was small so that means I am going to be right on him.

They shut the door and a uncomfortable silence fell upon us. " I'm sorry" I finally said. " Why did you hit me" i shrugged. I couldn't tell him why so I lied. " I was upset and I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I was just mad and I'm sorry Cal" he cut me off with a bone crushing hug." it's okay Mahogany" I smiled into his shoulder and we just stayed in each other's Embrace.

The door finally opened and they let us out. " Are you two cool" Ashton asked once we sat down. We nodded and continued on with the game. By the end of the night we were all covered In different types of food. What a way to end the night. Covered in food.

Beverly POV

That Mahogany girl is going to pay.I Didn't even finish my plan. She had to find out and now that Luke knows I'm a demon this won't be easy. I'm gonna need some help from a friend...

Well this was an interesting chapter.
I didn't even know what I was writing about half the time. Okay okay so I'm reading this Michael fan fiction called Dark Angel and I'm about ready to die because SHE WONT UPDATE! Anyway I get a lot of my chapter ideas from there so go check it out! The feels are real. I have crap planned but I have to get you to understand before I actually write and publish them.
Ps go check out The Journey by Loveclouture_28 and then check out my version of The Journey!! Lastly have you heard I Can't Remember by Malum? That song is 😶😶😶.
Lots of promoting in this authors note...



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