Chapter 4

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*a week later* ( Adam and indigo left)
Ashton POV

Today was the day I was going to make Caroline mine. I've had feelings her for a long time and I really wanna make her mine before anyone else takes her. My plan was to have the girls take her on the scavenger hunt while me and the boys got the house ready. This is going to be perfect. I hope.

" ASHTON" " WHAT MAHOGANY" "CAN YOU COME HERE" "WHY" " BECAUSE MY PHONE FELL" " NO" "WHY NOT" BECAUSE YOURE BEING LAZY" " UGH WHATEVER, CALUM" " IM COMING" and that was a normal conversation with Mahogany. She would either want me to cook her food or get something for her. It seem it was about time for them to leave but I'm pretty sure that Caroline is awake now. " LETS GO TO IHOP CAROLINE " Sierra yelled.

She was going to take Caroline out to breakfast while Mahogany and Calum set up the notes. " OKAY" "GET DRESSED" " K" I heard them get up and I knew my Plan was working. I got out of bed and put on some regular clothes to make it seem like nothing was happening. The car drove off and everyone else got ready. Luke and Michael had to go get the food and crap like that. They'd gone and left me to get situated.

Calum POV

Me and Mahogany left and went to the coffee shop. That was the first place to go. She sat in the passenger seat with her head on the window. She looked in deep thought. " Mahogany what's wrong" her head snapped towards me and she seemed a little sad but had a small smile on her face. " Nothing" " Your lying" I could read mahogany like a book and I knew she was lying. " it's just if Caroline says yes then her and Ash with be together and then you have Michael and Sierra who are basically dating and Luke And his girlfriend but then there's me with nobody and I just wanna be loved."

Her words hit me like a wrecking ball,if only she knew." Listen Mahogany no matter what we love you and you are always loved. Me and the boys love you and so do Sierra And Nicole. Don't worry because anyone who couldn't love you doesn't know what it is" and I meant every word I said. She is the most beautiful wonderful amazing girl ever. " Thanks Cal" we pulled up to the coffee shop and set the note where it needed to be. The shop owner already knew about the plan so we thanked her and left.
Mahogany POV

Setting up the notes wasn't hard until we got to the last one. The last one had to go up the forest and climb up this tree near some hill. Why would Ashton make us do this I dunno. We were half way up and It was taking everything in me not to fly up the hill. I know I know Mother Nature has to be so athletic to fight and stuff. Yeah I am athletic I've got me a six pack and my bicep game is on point but that doesn't mean I like walking up hills. Lazy af.

"How much longer Calum" he seemed to be fine and not tired at all. Humans.
" Not to long" I stopped and faced him with a pouting face. " Carry me" he rolled his eyes and picked me up bridle style. Once we made it to the top I was exhausted. " Cal I'm exhausted" he set me down and put the note where it should be. " You're exhausted i just had to carry you half way up" that was half way? Oh well.

" Well I'm still tired" someone then yelled from a distance. " HEY YOU KIDS GET OFF MY PROPERTY BEFORE I CALL THE COPS" we turned around and a man who was standing about 30 feet away from us. Apparently he had already called the cops and we heard sirens I near. I quickly grabbed the note and shoved it in my pocket.

Cal grabbed my hand and when they connected they glowed a little. Weird. He dragged me behind him and down the side hill. We ended up sliding down the hill getting my black jeans dirty. I didn't care about my shirt because it was Sierra's anyway. We had made it to the bottom and he stopped catching his breath before running off.

We made it to the car and he quickly drove off. " That was close" he laughed once we started to get on the freeway. " Yeah That was close" we sat in a comfortable silence for a while until I broke it. " Why'd you grab my hand" I asked very curious. I wanted to see why he did that so I could figure why our hands were glowing. " So I wouldn't lose you" I tilted my head to the side. I'm a big girl I could've escaped by myself. " You're something else Hood" he chuckled and we continued on the way home.

•4 hours later•

Ashton POV

Everything was set up in the backyard and everyone was ready. The food was done and Caroline was out with Sierra following the notes.

She had took her shopping for a dress and told her to wear it. They went to the hair salon and nail salon places like that. She was basically getting ready for the date and didn't even know it.

I got a text from Sierra reading that they were down the street. I texted back and told Michael to go turn the lights off in the house so the candles would look good and with the rose path.

The door opened and this was the time:

Caroline POV

All day things have been weird. First off Sierra took me out to breakfast. Than I found a scavenger hunt. That scavenger hunt then led me to all these different places and now I'm home. " Hello" I opened the door and turned around to see that Sierra was no longer standing behind me.

There was a path of roses and candles. I followed it and when I made it outside I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a table for two with lights around it and it was absolutely beautiful. When I saw Ashton sitting there with a rose and his hand and in a suit and tie. Over to the side was Sierra and Mahogany in cute little dresses and the boys in suits to.

"Caroline I've know you for 2 years now And I wanna make u mine so will you be my girlfriend" I gasped but tried and to play it cool. " Of course I will" he smiled and handed me the rose. He then kissed me and I kissed back starting off the night amazingly.

•skip the dinner after everything•

Sierra POV

Me and Michael were in the living room watching mean girls, his choice, when he paused the movie and turned to me.
"What's up Michael" he stared at me then unpaused the movie and continued watching like nothing even happened.

What do you want
Can you come here
Why not
Because I'm lazy why
Well Michael just did something weird
I want you to ask him about it
Because I wanna know why he did it
Ask yourself
Next time ask Caroline
You're a Duh duh

"Michael what was that about" he paused the movie and turned toward me." what was what about" " well you just paused the movie, looked at me and then unpaused the movie like nothing even happened" before I knew it his lips were on mine and we were making out. Oh my god I was making out with Michael Clifford.


I didn't even know how to end this...

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