Chapter 21

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I literally hate myself right now because I made Mahogany reject that hottest villain in the entire world.(pretend Dylan has blue eyes) ^>

Mahogany POV

I looked over at my friends and then at Calum. He looked more shocked than me. I took one last look at him before making my decision.

"Nope.I don't wanna marry you. You've kept me and my best friends hostage and gotten people who don't even support you to beat us. Why would I marry someone so cold hearted like you. You don't love me you and I don't love you. Now. I've been stuck here in the dark side for 7 months and I've come to claim what's mine and mine only." I walked to Calum and grabbed his shirt pulling him in front of the crowd. "This kid is my love and my life, not you. So you could go,fall in a hole and burn" Everyone went silent, even Basil.

That's when I heard a clap. I looked over and I saw my dad clapping. Then Luke joined. Then Michael. Then Caroline. Then everyone else. "Silence!" And everyone went silent. "No no no you guys can continue to clap for me" I said and some people giggled and others clapped.

"You can't reject me in my own castle" he growled and I gave him a look. "I just did" his eyes became jet black and they had the red in them. He came at me but Calum stood in front of me blocking him. "Don't you dare mess with her" he growled at him. "Guards!" Everything went fast after that and I was in Calum's room along with Piano.

I held him close because I was scared. They didn't want me fighting because someone could easily sweep me up and lock me up. Piano whimpered and I pulled him back a bit. He looked as if he was trying to speak and that's when he did;

"Calum and you have future road bumpy but it ends like fairytale"

I smiled because it was the first time he ever talked to me and what he said warned my heart. "Thank you baby" he snuggled into my chest. My eyes became droopy and I soon fell asleep, thinking of Calum.

~Calum point of view~

"You're one of us Calum! You can't go and side with the light side" Basil yelled as I fought off his men, while he fought The Lord. "I can if I want!" I said as another guy came at me. "You're doing it for that girl! She's nothing I don't know why I wanted to marry her, she's worthless" that set me off. Bad.

Everything started going in slow motion. I smashed my fist against the ground making everything fly back. My eyes were so black that I didn't even think they were an actual shade of black. I felt power. Like I had it all, like I could kill everyone in this room in an instant. I went lunging towards Basil and he flew back and I beat him senseless right them and there. I continued to beat him until I heard a voice, the one that made me melt inside.

"Calum!" I was to angry to care but I was pulled off of Basil and people rushed to his aid. I turned to see Mahogany standing there with Piano on her shoulder. "Calum, Calm down please" she soothed, her big brown eyes staring into mine. I was to mad so I huffed and pushed past her and flew to my room.

Once I walked in, I slammed my door shut, plopped down and screamed into my pillow. I'm so frustrated right now. Basil thinks he can propose to Mahogany and then trash talk her like that. Then Mahogany pulled me off when I hadn't even gotten started. I don't know why I acted like that towards her when she was only trying to help.

Ugh she just makes me emotionally Frustrated! I can't even describe it. We're not in a relationship but then I feel like we are and when she pulled me out like that and called me her love and life it made me think we were a couple.

But we're not.

And that's what is making me frustrated. I can't hold her, I can't kiss her, I can't listen to her talk about pointless crap, I can't be with her, I can't marry her and I can't tell her I love her.

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