Chapter 10

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The photo is what Mahogany's eyes look like when she's mad ^^^

Mahogany POV

"Guys I would like you to meet my new girlfriend Harmony" I wasn't upset I was angry. No I wasn't angry I was furious. What gives him the right to think he can just come back after he left and think everything is okay. I really don't think he got the memo. The girl Harmony was, ugly in my opinion. They sat down on the couch and started talking. " How've you guys been" he asked like nothing happened. Don't kill him don't kill him.Don't grab that girls ratchet weave and swing her by it just don't. Sierra and Caroline burst into flits of laughter and everyone looked at them weird. They got up and whispered it and the guys laughed to. What's so funny. " Mahogany you are a retard" I shook my head." Girlllllllllllll I know weave when I see it" I snapped in rainbow formation and walked to the kitchen. I could hear their laughing from the kitchen And couldn't help but laugh.

Harmony looked dumbfounded and Calum was glaring at them. I grabbed some grapes and put them in a bowl. I found a book on the kitchen bookshelf. It's not weird there is a bookshelf in every room. It was called The Maze Runner. Hmmmm must be new I've never read this before. I read the first paragraph and was in love. I sat on the kitchen counter with my legs crossed entertained with my book that I didn't even notice everyone walk in. " Mahogany" I looked up from my book for a second and then looked back down. "What's her problem" Harmony asked in a rude tone. My head shot up and I slammed my book closed setting it next to me. I plastered a smile on my face and replied. " There's nothing wrong" she rolled her eyes and mumbled the b word. I didn't do anything so I just turned towards the others. " So you guys wanna go swimming or something-"

"Ew I can't get my hair wet" harmony said interrupting me.

"Okay then don't get in the water" She rolled her eyes and pouted or at least tried to. "Calum" she whined, I mentally and physically rolled my eyes.
"Mahogany " I glared at him and went on.

"Ice cream parlor"

"Ice cream is disgusting"


"who plays video games anymore"



"Music shop"



"Ew Nature" I was about to lose it. You don't EW nature. Girl I will slap you so hard imma knock the knowledge into your brain.

"Book store"

"Only smart people are aloud there"

"Then I guess you aren't aloud there" I sassed and she stood their with her mouth open. " Don't leave your mouth hanging you don't want flys getting in do you" she glared at me and flipped me off. She then called me a few names and I had enough of it. Since I was sitting on the counter the knives were behind me. I grabbed the biggest one and jammed it into the counter top. It broke through it and we had marble tops so yeah. Everyone stood there shocked at my actions. I realized I didn't stab just the counter top but I stabbed my hand. Whoops. I pulled it out and looked at the hole in my hand. It looked so cool. It didn't hurt at all because I didn't even notice I had stabbed myself. "How does that not hurt" I glanced at up and looked at the shocked people in front of me. " Because I'm fabulous" they couldn't help but giggle at me and say that I wasn't only to have me argue back. " We need to take you to the hospital now" Ashton urged. Caroline nudged him and he remembered. " I'll live" Calum didn't really seem to care anymore because he was sucking faces with his girlfriend. I healed my hand and it was normal now. "You're crazy Mahogany" Michael said and I shrugged. " and your crazy for Sierra" he blushed and so did Sierra. I smiled at my comeback and got off the counter. " What are we going to do about that." Caroline asked refurring to the counter top. "Put a banana on it" I said and walked off.

*spongebob voice •1 hour later•

Me, Luke Calum and Harmony were out shopping for things. For harmony. She dragged Calum along who dragged Luke along who dragged me along. We were currently in Victoria Secret and even though I'm a girl this was uncomfortable. "Hey Luke wanna ditch and go get some ice cream " he nodded and when Calum wasn't looking we made a run for it. We ended up at this little ice cream shop and went in. We ordered and sat down waiting for our ice cream. " Mahogany your eyes have been black and red ever since Harmony came" Luke stated and I shrugged. " That means I'm mad and I'm not regular angry I'm furious. The black is the demon inside of me because everyone has that part of them. The red shows I'm furious." He nodded and I listened to one of his thoughts.

I don't think she knows Harmony is a demon

My eyes widened and I stared at Luke in pure shock. How would he be able to tell that she's a demon. I mean real talk she acts like one but how would he know. Luke stared back at me and I finally spoke up. " How do you know" he looked dumbfounded. "What" "How did you know that Harmony is a demon" he shook his head and bit his lip(sorry if I killed you). " I don't" he said nervously. " Luke how'd you know" I growled and he scratched the back of his head. " Boy how long does it take to make an ice cream" he said while stalling. " Luke" he sighed and gave in. " Mahogany I'm not comfortable talking about it" I dropped it because I respect his privacy but I will find out what that blonde boy knows.

Luke POV

She couldn't know my secret. She would tell the other and I couldn't have that. She would sent me to the Dark Side for lying to her about me. "Why would I send you to the Dark Side? And how do you know about the it?" She said her eyes becoming black and red again. I got up and left the shop walking to an alleyway. I sat down on the ground and she appeared in front of me. "Luke just tell me" okay now she's going to I respect your privacy to tell me. " I do respect your privacy Luke it's just if I'm friends with a Demon I could get in a lot of trouble" she said sitting down in front of me. "Im not a Demon I'm an Angel" her eyes popped out her head and she stared at me in disbelief. She stood up and backed away from me. "What kind of Angel" I stood up with her and came closer. " White" she relaxed and gave me a hug. " Luke why didn't you tell me earlier" she mumbled into my neck. The girl wasn't short so she could rest her head in the crook of my neck. "I didn't want you to be mad" she pulled back and gave me a look. " Dude You weren't mad when I explained us being supernatural to you so why would I be mad when you tell me" she said with a little sass." Exactly so why were you so surprised when You saw me using my powers" I shrugged. " I dunno" she let it go and we walked home.

When we came in Calum instantly yelled at us. "why would you leave me" we shrugged and Mahogany giggled. I noticed Harmony wasn't here and I was quite glad. " Oh you think it's funny?" Mahogany giggled a little more. What's so funny? He came over to Mahogany and pinned her to the wall. She stopped laughing and looked him dead in the eyes. Her eyes became the black/red color and the switched positions so that she was pinning him against the wall. "Now what" she growled and he shrugged. " That's what I thought" she dropped him down and walked off.

Note to self: don't mess with Mahogany.

Plot twist Luke is a Angel. So to clear up the confusion Harmony is a demon and Luke is a very hot angel. Mahogany and Calum hate each other 😂😂😂.
Anyhow there is a time skip so prepare for the action and more plot twist and spoilers.






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