Chapter 17

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Michael POV

I Opened my eyes and felt that I was chained to a wall. I looked up and saw that everyone else was to.

I realized I was the first to be up and didn't have anything to do. Man I have to pee. Oh my god no! Some guy walked in and smirked at me. "Hello Michael." He said evilly. " Dude please can I go to the restroom I'm begging you" I said and he smiled. "Sure but if you try any Funny business you will regret it" he said and let me out the chains.

After I did my business the guy who I thinks name was Jacob put me back in my chains. Everyone else was awake and talking. "Silence" Jacob said and everyone was quiet. " Okay so for day 1 of your torture I'm going to be turning your human friends into Vampires. The hard way" he smirked and then continued. " And you have to watch" he said. "And they get to drink Zinnia and Heavens Blood" he finished and Ashton started to yell at him. " You're not gonna make us drink there blood!" He just laughed a humorless laugh and he then had a blank expression on his face. " Okay here's your choices. You can die or drink Zinnia and Heavens blood and not die"

"Okay well do it" Ashton said and I nodded. They let us out of our chains. This wasn't going to be good.

~3 Hours later~


That's all I needed right now. The change had just finished and all I wanted was blood. Mahogany's blood wasn't enough I needed more. I was struggling to get out of these chains but was getting weaker by the second. I couldn't hold on any longer.

Caroline POV

I couldn't watch Ash and Mike turn, I just couldn't. They looked in so much pain and it pained me even more. Mahogany passed out again probably because they haven't healed her. They've healed everyone else but her. The good news is that they took us out of the chains on our feet so we can move around now.

"Okay now since day 1 of torture is over we can heal your little friend" he said pointing over to Mahogany. "But" oh my god why a but.(a/n:I can't I'm sorry)

" Calum gets to torture all of you for the next two days" we all groaned in frustration and I nodded along with everyone else. I really didn't like this.

~The next day~

The sound of a horn woke me up. I opened my eyes and Calum stood there with a horn in hand. F u Cal. "Get up butt cheeks" I smiled a little at the nickname he used to call us. I looked around and everyone was slowly waking up from their spot on the ground.

"Okay so today we shall torture Adam and Indigo" he said and I could see the fright in their eyes. "I'm gonna have some help from a friend though" who? " Harry!" A boy with curly hair and green eyes came in. He had dark brown almost black wings with a white outline. Wait dark angels aren't suppose to have any white on their wings.

They let them out of the chains and that's when the torture began.

~1 hour later~

"They were to easy so we shall torture Heaven today too!" Calum said excitedly. They took me out of my chains but stopped when we heard a sound.

Ashton had broke out his chains. He had bright red eyes and fangs out. Ash pushed Harry against a wall. The Dark Lord came in and took in the scene. All he did was click his fingers and he fell to the ground.

" What did you do to them!" I shouted lunging towards him, only to be held back by Harry. He quickly put me back in my chains and was whispering to Cal.

That's when the pain began.

Michael POV

I wanted blood. That's all I wanted. That's all I needed. Those boys kept hurting my friends.

It's been a few hours since the boys left after torturing Caroline. They left her body on the ground for us to stare at. I couldn't look it was just too painful.

I was tired. Extremely tired. I just want to go back to Australia to my family. Oh My god I forgot about them. We've been gone for months and they are probably worried sick. I groaned in frustration and looked at the people around me.

They all seemed to be hurt or in some type of physical or emotional pain. Mahogany has been quiet for the past two days. Not a word spoken only the sounds of her whimpers, screams or silent cries.

Joey and Connor died. They died earlier this morning when The Dark Lord was here. He killed them because they both where being sassy and rude.

That was horrible to watch because it was slow and painful.

What did we do to deserve this?


Wow a really crappy chapter in my opinion. I really suck. Maybe you suck was written about me. Probably.

Anyway pain has been used a lot lately. I dunno. So I've been thinking and I just wanna say for those of you who actually read my book THANK YOU!!!!

Alright bye lovelies


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