Chapter 3

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*2 weeks later*

" PUT SOME CLOTHES ON OH MY GOD" Caroline yelled at Calum who had only his boxers on. I had to admit his body is just wow. And those abs were oh my gosh. " Mahogany really" Sierra said telling me that she had been reading my thoughts. " Stay out my head" at this very moment the scene in front of us was pretty odd. Calum was of course half naked making tea. Ashton was taking selfies. Michael was eating pizza and Luke was standing in the middle of the room awkwardly saying 'I hate them'. " GUYS PLEASE ACT NORMAL PEOPLE ARE COMING OVER" they all stopped what they were doing and looked at us. " And who are these people" Ashton spoke. " There friends from Canada" now here's the thing the boys think we're Canadian because we couldn't tell them ' Oh yeah we're from another planet' that would give them clues and questions to ask. We are actually having friends from the supernatural world come over because they wanted to see us. " Calum put some clothes on" Sierra asked very angrily. He just continued to make his tea in his boxers. " Cal would you please put on some clothes" I finally tried and he stopped making tea and went to his room. I smiled and the other guys were shocked. " H-How W-What Okay he totally hates us" Caroline said and Sierra nodded. " No it's just you were rude to him so he didn't do what you wanted as for me I was nice and he did it" they rolled there eyes. " ASHTON MICHAEL LUKE GO GET DRESSED" again they didn't listen either so I tried. " Hey could you please go get dressed nothing fancy just regular clothes" they nodded and went up to there rooms. I smirked and Sierra and Caroline just glared. Now I needed to do something. I headed back behind the stairs and into a room the boys never knew we had. The basement. Down in the basement were things we had brought from the supernatural world. I turned the light on and went over to a box. I dug in the box and felt what I was looking for. I pulled out the two bracelets out. They weren't really bracelets just in the shape of them. Supernatural people who visit Earth have to wear them to control there powers. We had to wear them when we first came but we learned how to control ours.

I closed the door to the basement and went in the living room and was about to kill ever living soul in this house. Silly string was everywhere. " WHY WOULD YOU COVER THE HOUSE IN SILLY STRING WHEN WE HAVE GUESS COMING OVER" I heard Caroline yell at I'm guessing the guys. " GET OUT OF MY SIGHT" I giggled and quickly cleared the living room out. I'm assuming they were upstairs. I find it funny because on Earth she's younger than them but in real life she's like 100 years older. Someone knocked on the door and all I heard was "MOVE IM ANSWERING THE DOOR" I laughed at there urge to answer it but I already made it to the door. " Mahogany!" " Indigo!" I hugged my best friend. Sure Caroline and Sierra were my best friends but so was Indigo but she just didn't come to Earth with us because she said she didn't believe in love. " What no hugged from Me" I heard the oh so familiar voice behind her. " Adam!" I hugged him and right before I invited them in I gave them the bracelets. They knew what to do with them because before we moved in they had to wear them because we would go out in public.

They greeted each other and we sat down on the couch together. After a few hours of catching up and games Adam wanted to watch YouTube videos on the TV. Nobody minded so he borrowed my laptop and hooked it up to the TV. He choose a video that I didn't really see the name of and it played. He moved the mouse over the thing and the title was ' Werewolf caught on Camera REAL FOOTAGE'. Now Adam was a werewolf and Indigo was a Shapeshifter. They both had telepathy because everybody has it.


just seeing if this information is true

You're giving clues


Do you want us to be tested

You're to powerful you would probably escape


Get out my head the video is starting

I hate you

The video played at after it Adam was laughing while everyone else was terrified. What he just played was something else. Yeah it was footage of werewolves but I just can't no I'm freaking blind now. " Okay anyway I don't believe in mythical creatures at all" Ashton said and I could see the hurt in Caroline's eyes. He may not know but I could feel that she was hurt. " What about Fallen Angels do you believe in them" Caroline asked hope on her eyes. " Of course Fallen Angels are gifts from heaven" her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. " I believe in them" Michael said and Sierra smiled. " What kind" he shrugged. "I only believe in wizards" Sierra's smiled dropped because he didn't say mermaids. " Luke? Cal?" Indigo asked. I feel like they came here to tell us something. Something about telling them. " I believe in all" everyones attention was now towards Calum because he didn't answer. " Well I only believe in demons" my heart dropped and I felt my stomach turn and twist. " You what" I breathe. " I believe in Demons because I used to watch scary movies when I was younger and I've always believed in them" I was hurt that he believed in my rivals and not his friends but you know he doesn't even know so yeah.

" O-Okay" I saw him roll his eyes. " You guys are Greeks" I saw Adams eyes flash from brown to black and his hands clinch into a fist. Please don't talk Adam please don't talk. If he talked his voice we become deeper and they would ask questions. " Hey Adam let's go get you settled in my room okay" I quickly got up and rushed toward him grabbed his wrist feeling how hot his skin was. I pushed him in my room and he growled. Adam was mad because Cal said he believed in demons which are all supernaturals worst enemies. He knew we hadn't told them and he wanted to tell them but we weren't ready. He had to understand its dangerous to just go out and tell a human that you're supernatural . Hair started to form on his hands and arms. "Adam don't not while they're here" he didn't listen and started to turn more. " INDIGO COME HERE" I shouted I could hear her footsteps and the door open. Once she saw what was going on she locked the door and came to me. " He wants to kill Calum I can feel it he wants to kill" She understood this and she knew what to do. We spoke a curse in Latin and he fell to the floor, the hair disappearing from his body. " MAHOGANY" my own name scared me and I ran down the stairs with Indigo following close behind. Calum was laying on the couch not moving at all. I rushed over to him and felt for a pulse. I felt one but it was weak. We never went to hospitals because the boys knew that us girls were capable of healing and curing them. I clicked my fingers and made Adam vanish from my room and into Sierra's. " Carry him to my room." The boys obeyed and I knew exactly what had happened. Adam is different his mom was a wizard so he was partly a wizard because he learned spells from his mom.

Calum was under some type of spell and I couldn't have the boys around. Usually I could but this requires something different. " Get out now" they immediately did what I said and shut the door. I formed a ball of elements and rested it above Calum. It burst and he soon started to wake up. " what happened" let's make this clear his voice when he wakes up is hot. " You kind of fell out" he nodded and groaned. " My head hurts come cuddle with me" I giggled and got in next to him. "You're so warm" I giggled. What's up with me and my giggling. Then I heard Sierra's voice in my head.

Is he Okay
Can we come in
Why not
Because I don't want you to now
What are you doing
Working on him
Just trying to get his heart steady
Yeah cuddling is a very nice way to get someone's heart steady
He asked
We are coming in

Sierra opened the door and they all came in plus Adam and Indigo. " Awe they're cuddling" I blushed from embarrassment and hid my face in his shoulder. " CAL AND MAHOGANY SITTIN IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G" they sang together like little kids. " Oh shut up you all know Nicole and Caroline should be going out" Caroline blushed and Ashton did to. " Everyone come cuddle" in a split second two man children and a mermaid was laying on me. This 'cuddle' lasted for twenty minutes before everyone went there separate ways. " Night everyone" " Night" I got into my pajamas, got in bed and fell asleep.

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