Chapter 15

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Sierra POV

Everything around me seemed to be frozen. I didn't know who did it but I will find this person. I knocked on Mahogany's door and when she didn't answer I went in. Luke and Ashton where frozen in mid air and Mahogany was gone. Did she do this? Her balcony door was open so she must have left. I clicked my fingers and everything went back to regular motion. "What happened" Ashton asked holding his head. " I don't know. Where's Mahogany?" I asked a bit worried. " Uh last time we saw her she was laying in her bed and then Calum was at the balcony and then that's it" Ash explained. I gasped and they stared at me. " Calum took Mahogany"

Luke POV


Ashton POV


Sierra POV

We went to the Lord as fast as we could. I knocked on his door and he answered slowly. Honestly he looked horrible. He had black circles under his eyes. His hair was a mess and he had blood shot eyes. "Aquanna-" " Calum kidnapped Mahogany and took her to The Dark Side!" He shrugged his shoulders. " You guys go and get her. You all are way more capable of saving her so I'm not gonna try." His words shocked me. He didn't even wanna save his own daughter. I glared at him and walked off. I found the others and told them everything. " How could he" Caroline gasped. " We need to find Adam and Indigo" I said and she nodded. We found them and they where shocked too but they knew that we had to find her.

We could just leave and go fight we had to prepare. Right now we where in the training room with Connor and Joey. Joey is a trainer for humans who have been invited to come here and be trained. He was here for Ash and Michael. This was going to be a long day...

Mahogany POV

I woke up on a someone stirring behind me. I opened my eyes and looked at the person. It was the one, the only...

Calum Hood!!!!!!

Hahahaha No. He looked so peaceful and comfortable, I don't like it. Actually I do. Wait he kidnapped me why would I like it. But I'm so comfortable in his grip. I felt safe but also very afraid and threatened. I moved around trying to get him to wake up but all he did was tightened his grip around me. "Go back to sleep" he mumbled and I tried pushing away but he was actually stronger than me. Wait when did this happen? " Calum let me go now" I said sternly. "No. Now go back to sleep before I make you" Whoa that wasn't on our list of insults. Where did this come from? "No, Let me go" I said raising my voice a bit.

He was now awake and sitting up, his arms still around my waist. " Look Mahogany I really don't want to deal with any of your bull right now so please go back to sleep" he pleaded, his usually brown eyes becoming black. " Look Calum I don't have time for your bull either so could you-" I was interrupted by someone walking into the room. It turns out it was The Dark Lord and to be honest the man was not bad looking. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He looked like a normal teenage boy. I've never seen his face before and to be honest it was not bad looking. " Like what you see babe" I looked at him dumbfounded but then realized he read my mind. Well two can play at that game.

Dang she's beautiful

She will be mine

Nice try princess but you can't read my mind

Calum better let go of her or he will be punished

Should we have a big wedding or not? I'll let her decide

Oh my god this guy is obsessed with me! I need to get out of here. " No can do Princess. We are not letting you leave" he said and I glared. I clicked my fingers and teleported out of their but ended up in a dark room. On the other side was my biggest fear. Something I feared would be there.

A giant photo of Justin Bieber.

No I'm kidding it was a giant spider!

I let out an ear piercing scream as it came near me. I remembered that I'm supernatural too so I could beat this thing. I shape shifted into a dinosaur and ended up killing it. I had blood all over me and thats when The Dark Lord came in. " Awe Babe you're all covered in blood, let's get you cleaned up" he came near me but I backed away from him. " I don't need your help" I growled at him. His eyes became black and he pushed me against the wall and pinned my arms above my head. I managed to get one of my hands free and I slapped him. Hard.

He started yelling at me and then some of his minions came in and that's when the darkness took over me again...

~Unknown Point of View~

She really thinks she is going to get away with everything she's done. She thinks that Calum loves her? She is obviously blind then. My Brother would never let her get with Calum because he is mine and she better back off because I'm watching her...

Sierra POV
~Three days later~

Three days of training. Three days of hard work. Three days of Michael asking if we would make him a giant pizza. I was ready. We where Ready.

Over these last three days Ash and Mick have grown stronger and are educated. Joey and Connor agreed to help us so we would have more people. So now we have nine people helping us. That should be enough to kick some butt.



Anyway so what do you think? So Sierra is awesome because she is leading the whole thing don't you think. Luv u Sierra :) sowwy I didn't put u w/ Luke actually I'm not ;)


Comment 'Sexy Beast Mode'


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