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Oct. 14 | 9:00 AM


My eyes fluttered open as I heard the door open. I sighed and yawned as I sat up. I looked over and saw Nisha laying on her stomach, sound asleep. I looked up and saw that Evette was in Nisha's closet. I slowly got out of bed and leaned on the door frame of the closet and folded my arms.

"Morning Prince." She said.

"Morning." I sighed. She started to flip through Lanisha's clothes.

"What's going on?" I asked curious as to know why she was in her closet.

"We are going out to celebrate Lanisha's homecoming or something like that." She chuckled. I chuckled as well.

"Thanks for inviting me last night." I said. She turned around to face me.

"I know Lanisha wouldn't approve of me coming if I would've asked her." I chuckled softly.

"Well, I just want her to be comfortable around here and-"

"You seem to make her feel comfortable." She finished. I smiled a bit.

"Did you bring clothes?" She asked.

"No, I actually didn't even know I was going to end up staying the night." I stated.

"I wanted to stay with her." I looked back at Lanisha as she slept peacefully in bed. I smiled at the sight.

"Perfect." She said. I turned towards her and saw the clothes that she had in her hands.

"I'm really glad she has you as a friend." She smiled.

"I mean, I may not be her big or real sister or anything but I do care about her."

"And I know you do too."

"Craig, Chres, and Ray know it too." She giggled. I chuckled as I thought about them.

"Are they stopping by?" I asked.

"Of course. Now-" She began.

"My dad and Mimi are making breakfast so I want you to wake Nisha up and don't tell her about anything." She ordered.

"I know you and your big mouth." She laughed.

"Get out of here." I laughed pushing her towards the door. I closed the doors and my laughing died down. I walked over to the bed and looked at Lanisha.

She was so beautiful. She fantasizes me. I really do care about here. She already has me glued to her. She only been here for a couple of days and she already has this affect on my. It must be the way the light catches her hair, or the way her smile is the only thing you can see. Sometimes, when you stare at her for too long, something inside you burns up. You do not know if you will regret it later, but at the moment, you want nothing but to look at her until the universe ceases to be.

I knelt down by the bed on her side and put her hair behind her ear. I could hear her soft breathes as she breathed in and out. I smiled as I stared at her. I looked at her arm and noticed a mark. I looked at her then back at her arm. I lifted up her sleeve a bit and saw that it was a cut. I sighed as I pulled it back down. That's the second one I've seen.

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